Having recently been diagnosed with autoimmune disorder/Hashimoto's, I have done a little reading and was curious as to whether it's possible to actually have Hashimoto's but with the total opposite of the weight gain symptom?
I tick a lot of the boxes, but weight gain seems a very, very common - almost unavoidable - symptom. In reality, I have lost almost 2 stone (without trying too hard) in about 8-9 months. It was actually one of the reasons I became concerned enough to go to see a new, private GP instead of my usual NHS one. His response tended to be that I had anxiety. After starting to experience gut probs, I quickly changed to a gluten free diet and this seemed to help the weight loss and my current private GP advised I had made the right choice and to stick with this now.
Other symptoms I have are fatigue, extreme tiredness (constant yawning) - even after long sleep - brain fog, fuzzy vision, gut issues, breathing issues that have come on suddenly and a handful of other things.
Just by pure luck or chance, the GP I had arranged to see specialised in this area and, despite many of my results being within (or just within) normal range, he recognised many of the symptoms.
Since our second meeting, he had prescribed me Levothyroxine, omeprazole, Vitamin D and folate. He also gave me a B12 injection. For a few days I think I was feeling somewhat improved and much more positive, and then I crashed. My breathing became worse and I had a visit to A&E and a walk in centre, who all sent me home after minor examinations.
I have since had spirometry, chest x-ray and paid for a heart echo and CT scan of abdo, chest and neck. Nothing alarming was reported on any and upon my return to the GP last week he said that all of my symptoms including the severe breathing issues which have developed rapidly - in about 3 months - are due to thyroid and autoimmune disorder. He upped my dose of thyroxine and prescribed another course of all the above.
So long story short - considering one of the symptoms is weight gain or at least the inability to lose weight, is it conceivable that this diagnosis can still be made considering how much weight I've actually lost?