Hi guys,
I've read around the forum but can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for. I have an enlarged thyroid both sides, and a lump on the right side, about an inch in size. I can feel the thyroid but its really only noticable by touch, by sight the swelling is only just noticable. My symptoms are mainly hyperthyroid, increased heart rate, increased appetite, although I've gained weight due to this, my sleeping pattern isn't that great, but sometimes I sleep fine, really sore eyes, itchy gritty, pain sometimes. nervousness, a faint tremor (only sometimes), feeling hot all the time
I had bloods done by the GP (results not in), but also paid for medi-checks. I did not get vit d, and wont be able to for quite sometime. i don't know if GP has tested for it.
TSH - 1.54 (0.27 - 4.20)
Free Thyroxine - 16.5 (12.0 - 22.0)
Free T3 - 4.61 (3.10 - 6.80)
Thyroglobulin Antibody - <10 (0.00-115)
TPA - 9.11 (0.00 34.00)
Active B12 - 103 (25.10-165.0)
Folate 8.93 - (2.91 - 50.0)
CRP - 1.48 (0.00 - 5.00)
Ferritin 61.8 ( 2.91 - 500.0)
That all looks quite healthy to me. But i'm not an expert. In the back of my mind, I'm wondering if i'm going in the direction of hyperthyroid? i'm guessing this doesn't happen overnight. As these bloods are well within normal range, i'm guessing my GP will not do anything about lump, so i'm just wondering if I should be vigilant to the possibility of something happening in the future.