Hi; How did you test the Adrenals? I was told by my Naturopath to take Adrenavive and Ashwaghanda as I need to strenghten my Adrenal glands.....Is there a supplement that contains both of these in 1 bottle ? Where do you buy the Adrenavive from ? is it from : Procepts Retailers? there's such a variety of Adrenal health support but he just recommended Adrenavive with Ashwaghanda and 5 gr of Himalayan salt (I already take 2.5 g per day as I'm also doing the Iodine protocol ! Thanks Kind Regards Elly
Adrenavive : Hi; How did you test the Adrenals? I... - Thyroid UK

I test my adrenals with Regenerus
Although Ashwaghanda is an adaptogenic and is meant to be "balancing", some people find that it lowers cortisol.
Adrenavive I am using to raise my cortisol.
Only one place you can get Adrenavive
Be aware that Adrenavive l is the whole gland, and Adrenavive ll and lll are adrenal cortex.

If you are hypothyroid, especially with Hashimoto's then iodine is best avoided unless tested by iodine specialist and definitely deficient
Strange I've been told Iodine protocol is recommended for those with Hypothyroid ! Thanks a lot though; Where did you get your info? Thanks Elly / Eleonora
I agree with SlowDragon that iodine is not something to be messed with.
What do you actually mean by "the Iodine protocol"?
Even in areas of known widespread iodine deficiency, simply supplementing iodine is known to cause problems. Maybe have a look here:
Please check Dr Brownstein's work; Iodine actually helped me somewhat ; I am now only taking the maintenance dose of: 25-50mg; Also taking 1/2 teaspoon of unrefined salt (Himalayan); The protocol requires: Selenium (I stopped taking it as I've enough the blood test showed) B2/B3, Vitamin C (3000mg -5000mg) Magnesium, Boron (the latter not so needed for Iodine but am taking for Osteoarthritis......thanks for the concern; I used to take 150mg of Lugol's Iodine per day (for 3 or so weeks) but stopped as I've enough Iodine too....Take care Warm regards, Elly
Do you have Hashimoto's?
Had both TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested?
I've Hypothyroidism....I understand Hashimotos is autoimmune ? I've also ME / CFS (mild - moderate)
Vast majority of hypothyroidism is due to Hashimoto’s (80-90% in developed countries)
Anyone with hypothyroidism always needs both TPO and TG antibodies tested at least once
Low vitamins are extremely common
I've done all those; B12 was over the limit too (but doesn't mean my body is absorbing it) ; Thyroglobulin Antibody: <10 IU/ml (0.00 - 115.00) and Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies <9.0 IU/ml (0.00 -34.00); Active B12 : >300 pmol/L (25.10 - 165.00) Folate serum: 19.98 ug/L (2.91 -50.00) Ferritin: 81.7 ug/L (13.00 - 150.00) This was done as a finger prick in June with most supplements Another was done in August without supplements. (Nurse drew blood at home this time) Free T4 : 14.5 pmol/L freeT3: 3.79; TSH 6.37; The August was : TSH : 2.92; free T4 : 15.4 free T3: 5.15 Reverse T3: ....14; Reverse T3 ratio: 23.95 Thyroglubulin antibody: <10 IU/mL; Thyroid peroxidase antibodies: 10.2 ; B12 : >300 Folate: 19.98ug/L Ferritin : 117 ug/ L; 25 OH Vitamin D 113 nmol/L (50 -200) ; Inflammation marker: 0.24 mg/l (0.00 -5.00). I assume the TSH was a little higher as I was on the Iodine protocol....(now just maintenance : 25mg) Please feel free to comment Slow Dragon. Thanks again