To ndt or not: Hi I've had disappointing blood... - Thyroid UK

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To ndt or not

Jeppy profile image
36 Replies


I've had disappointing blood results as had been working hard on things, gut, vitamins and diet and adrenals

I'm very low in folate so have neglected this one, it's only at 7 and should be 25,

iron and b12 ok, D at 75 so a bit low and ferritin is half way.....

Just taking levo at 50, doc says to up it to 75,

Couldn't tolerate it at all but now,had Adrenavive it seems better

Please can anyone help me with next plan,

Shall I just up these vits first whilst still supporting the other,

Or would a bit of ndt give my system a break - has anyone found that they then have better vitamin levels by taking this, or is it strictly Vits first?

Bit weary (very, to be honest ) - very anxious and quite down there I just feel so rubbish but on the bright side I no longer fall asleep in lay-bys or cry like a baby behind closed doors 🤗

Thankyou TUK for getting me to this point, I saw endo a few weeks ago and have asked for blood,results three times now, I was given the results from last Feb,🙈

He said I looked well! (never met me before ) and suggested anti depressant for anxiety,

I've jut done bloods with Medichecks, may send him my results, maybe not 🙃

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Jeppy profile image
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36 Replies
Jeppy profile image

....any support much appreciated 😌

Nanaedake profile image
Nanaedake in reply to Jeppy

Are you taking vitamin C to support adrenals and what about a good quality omega 3 to help with depressive symptoms? Sounds like you've worked hard on vitamins. Are you taking a good B complex? You could take one that includes methylfolate to bring your folate up.

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Nanaedake

Thanks so much

I take Nutri, b complex, Spray in b12 Nutri mag, I need more of the bacteria one called bif something, I've fallen back on C (fingers wrapped ) will increase again,

do feel like a junkie mostly, Nutri Eskimo yes, but do I need to buy folate? I must study it ? I'd have thought if it's reliant on the Bs I,should be better than a 7

Good point made by a member that Adrenavive has soya in it, so will need to find a natural one if poss,

Can I be in a flare? as had some antibodies yesterday in the bloods taken, usually in range. (Only a few over for the second time )

Thanks so much

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Jeppy

I am following your add as Iam in exactly the same situation and Iam on a Adrenavive and no more crying but my vit b12 ferritin and magnesium are really low and I cant up my dose as I feel crap I can handle 1/2 grain at the min . I have h phylori whixh iam treating .my advice please don’t go on antidepressants I was on them for five years and once came off it triggered my Hashimotos

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Ari3

No way, I won't

Well we are moving forwards, our systems need good repair I guess, keep on with the gut. It's so importing and remove any candida if around,

Keep in touch

I want to find a natural adrenal support now as soya is in the Adrenavive

I itch so much again, I haven't clue why xx

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Jeppy


What is,that you are treating Ari?

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Jeppy

I mean ? Currently h phylori they found errosions in my stomach and it’s been painful like this for 6-7 month now .in hospital they misdiagnosed me with chronic pancreatitis . I was referred to pancreas specialist and they did endoscopy with ultrasound and took two biopsies and found h phylori . Iam on triple treatment for seven days .i am having an appoitment with my nutritionist she will also guide me what else I can do. Iam taking slippery elm bone broth and liquorice stick every morning (no sugar 100% liquorice tastes awful lol) I take lots vitamin c 2g a day omega 3 oil , folate , iron-c, magnesium and magnesium bath , liver support , vitamin b 12 Highly absorbable and Jarrows lozenges to get me started and than will move on higher dose and loads more . I eat clean just veggies meat fish and fruits that’s all no nuts seeds eggs nighshades dairy gluten etc - a very strict diet which hopefully will decrease my inflamation and antibodies . Iam taking one thing at a time . I have Hashimotos and hypothyroidism

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Jeppy

I am on AIP diet I have done all tests apart candida and SIBO which I will be doing after treating h phylori which caused me feeling very unwell with stomach pains Iam on high doses antibiotics as it was so bad . I know antibiotics are not the best. Iam pretty sure I have SIBO and candida. I have lots of bacteria imbalance .i will try to add little t3 instead of getting rid of rt3 for time beeing while I get all vitamins optimal. It’s so difficult and so many things to look after but at least I know what it is what’s causing me so bad symptoms. I can’t continue with SIBO test as Iam on antibiotics but SIBO test is laying at home :-( and after antibiotics I have to be clean two weeks in order to do u see it’s a long journey. Iam trying to do autoimmune protocol diet now for couple of month to heal my leaky gut lots of healthy food organic as much as possible .

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Ari3

Bone broth good, Nutri sell products, The L-glucimine one, and others,

Without good gut absorption we re up the creek without a paddle

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Jeppy

Yes I know .i make my own bone broth drink 2-3 cups a day now what are Nutri she’ll products ?

Yes we have to unfold so many things I know my gut is in a very bad status and vitamins so it will take Hell a lot of time to heal . What is ur next step? Iam on loads of supplements by my nutritionist and herbs

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Ari3

I feel bogged down a bit!! That was NUTRI. They sell good quality products

So, for me

Heal Gut lining sort out flora, eliminate any candida

Keep on with vits, we don't absorb until gut is sorted

Keep supporting adrenals

Keep on with the diet

Take the thyroid med that is keeping us afloat whilst doing all the rest

Retest vits in a few weeks, il see a keniesiologist I expect to see how gut and vits are doing (I believe in it )

Then will hopefully know what thyroid meds I need - I'd love to just have to take


Will we be in this regime forever I wonder, hope not

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Jeppy

Good advice love it same thinking as me thank u so much for support Iam wishing u well and if u don’t try motive u never know give a shot and see what happens ! People are so different and so are you for some works for some not!

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Ari3

Don't need try what? Sorry

What is rt3

Please can you tell me about it

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Jeppy

Talking about Adrenavive Iam using Adrenavive ii just 1/2 of capsule .what are full ingredients of it as I can’t see any ingredients written on jar? First time I hear it has soy in it are u sure ?! My nutritionist suggested me to go on herbs adrenal herb mix but Iam scared of transitioning period what if I will get worse stopping Adrenavive and starting adrenal herb mix?

Tasker profile image
Tasker in reply to Ari3

Hello Ari3 and Jeppy . I take Adrenavive and it is soy free as stated on The Natural Choice website who supply it.

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Tasker

Hi thanks for this, I must check it out rather than believe first

Have you found it helpful??

You don't itch I wonder?

Is it Adrenavive ll

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Jeppy

I am on Nr ii just 1/2 capsule 1/4 morning and 1/4 afternoon no itching .

Tasker profile image
Tasker in reply to Jeppy

Hi Jeppy. Yes, I take Adrenavive II; it doesn't make me itchy. But we all react differently to things.

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Tasker

Thanks for info great stuff ! So what ingredients it has got?

Tasker profile image
Tasker in reply to Ari3

Hi Ari3. I don't know is what the ingredients are, but the website says it is soy free (and free from lots of other things too!). I suggest you look at the website and if need be contact the company if you want a full list of ingredients.

Edited to add: have just looked at the label on the tub and it does list the ingredients - so you can find out easily! As well as the adrenal cortex it has rice flour and the gelatin capsule, that's all.

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Tasker

Sorry both I think this was incorrect info as have looked and it appears to have not any soya in it afterall

....the member used the word phosphatidyserine which is soy lecithin but it's not in Adrenavive, no, as far as I can see

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Tasker

Yes so sorry it was wrong info

What do you think of metavive, any thoughts please?

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Jeppy

Never used haven’t heard good reviews yet for that but u can try it I will go for t3 .i found one pharmacy in germany who makes t3 just from pure olive oil no fillers what so ever. I got in touch with them in germany and will be ordering soon just need private prescription. Maybe ya Gould try it too? I know Iam having lots of rt3

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Ari3

Please tell me about rt3..

My t3 is low in range, so,gather this is the end reason I feel rubbish

That t3 sounds good, how is it made just from oil though?

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Jeppy

I got to know about this compound pharmacy myself a week ago from one of my thyroid support group member she orders through them . They said it’s sintetic t3 and olive oil capsule that’s all in it . I am amazed I will definitely try it . Shipping charges £15 or € not sure than £40 -£45 for 100 capsules I think any strengths they can make tailored to your needs even they do 1 mcg of t3 lol

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Ari3

Please can you let me know on private message Ari?

Tasker profile image
Tasker in reply to Jeppy

No problem Jeppy.

As far as I know Metavive is in effect a type of NDT but hormone levels are not published as if they were, it would need to be licensed as a medicine in the UK and couldn't be sold without prescription. From what I have read in this forum, some members are therefore understandably wary of it, but others find it works for them. It has the advantage of being easily available without paying import taxes etc. I find Adrenavive works for me so am inclined to think Metavive would also be a good product, but to get views of people who have tried it you might want to start a new thread asking about it.

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Tasker

Yes I will when I've done the rest properly,

This brings me to my first question lol

Will ndt help me feel better even without the vits up there and the gut very solid

Ari3 profile image
Ari3 in reply to Jeppy

U will produce more rt3 .rt3 can be seen if ft4 is higher end and t3 low. I have t3 which is very low 4.2 and optimal must be 6.8 my tsh 2.08 and ft4 13.8 last time . Iam definitely going rt3 knowing the gut and issues I have and vitamin deficiencies . For now I will transition myself to t3

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Ari3

So similar, me too exactly, except my tsh is 4.5 🙈

Do you feel pent up and anxious, or it may be my higher tsh, after all my pituitary is working harder I suppose

But what Is RT3

Is it t4 u converted?

Tasker profile image
Tasker in reply to Jeppy

I can't answer about NDT I'm afraid as I just take levo.

shaws profile image

Do doctors expect us to crawl into the appointment room with no make-up on, in order that they take notice of us.

The red flag is 'antidepressants' instead of taking your FT4 and FT3 to make sure both are optimum.

We cannot survive or even feel a little bit better if either are low but this fact seems to have never been learned by those who are supposed to be better educated than us, the poor patient, desperate for some advice that will pick us up and that we no longer have clinical symptoms.

Take a pill a.m. and never think about not being very well and have no symptoms. That's the aim. Not that the TSH is 'somewhere' in the range and doesn't ensure both Frees are optimum and ignore patient's symptoms altogether.

Your dose of 50mcg levo is a starting dose. Maybe you can increase it - by half of a 25mcg tablet and see how you get on. After two weeks you can then add the other half. We need optimum doses i.e. a dose that removes symptoms and we feel better, much better.

Before blood tests and levo were introduced an average dose (NDT)was between 200 and 400mcg.

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to shaws

Thankyou Shaws, I know, it's really unbelievable, fancy sending me February's results, and off you go for another six months, you LOOK so well,

Surely to goodness the anxiety is a symptom, whatever happened to Root causes? He actually wrote on his report I was over anxious about my health ?..........

Yes il do that, he said take 75 alternate but it was too much, my head was bursting, so from that I just presume my vits aren't recovered enough, maybe adrenals too, lol

And definitely gut


Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Jeppy

Do,you know why I get so much itch please by any chance?

DeeD123 profile image
DeeD123 in reply to Jeppy

The only time I itch badly is when I’m undermedicated. I take levo only so cannot comment on most of your thread . Have you looked into urticaria, another autoimmune condition. If you have one your more likely to get another

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to DeeD123

Thanks a lot DeeD. It's actually good to hear that some else itches at all

The doc said it was dry skin

I must find out about autoimmune as Iv wondered what others there are?

Iv had psirosis but only one patch on and off throughout life

I haven't the urticaria rash having said that I had a neck rash recently but also saw it was under adrenal insufficiency


And thankou

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