Hi. I have low TSH and low Free t4 but my pituitary gland is normal in MRI. Am I thyroid hormone resistance syndrome?
thyroid hormone resistance syndrome: Hi. I have... - Thyroid UK
thyroid hormone resistance syndrome

The genetic form of resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH) presents with high fT4 and normal or high TSH. So you do not have this.
It would help to have details of your signs and symptoms as well as thyroid blood test resutls.
A low TSH and fT4 suggests your hypothalamic pituitary axis has a 'low set point'. This can occur from a long period of thyrotoxicosis (high thyroid hormone levels), starvation dieting, depression, some medicines and a severe concurrent illness. Just because your pituitary is physicallly OK (on MRI) doesn't mean it is working OK. I assume they have measured other pituitary hormones and they were OK.
Thanks for answering. I reserved the gene test for finding thyroid hormone resistance syndrome. Will it be better I cancel the schedule?
I think so if you are paying for it (how much?).
I do not know how much it.
By the way when I measured the other pituritary hormones sex hormone (FSH) was low too. Then am I central hypothyroidism?
If so, what's difference in treatment?
Actually the result that low TSH and low t4 is the past. After taking synthiroid more and more, I have low TSH and high t4 now. So doctor give it less than before. However I have hypothyroidism symptom now and when I took it less my symptom got worse. So I'm afraid my symptom will get worse. Why my symptom is diffrent with my thyroid test result?
Do you smoke?