It seems this condition exists, but I am not sure what it means.
I was on thyroxine only for a decade, it did nothing for me. I took 200 mcg daily for most of that time, which kept my TSH lowish (around 0.5), my FT4 levels close to the upper normal range, but my FT3 levels remained very low, and I continued to suffer from all the classical hypothyroid symptoms such as weight gain, feeling cold and tired most of the time, dry skin, puffiness...
I was switched to Armour in 2011, worked my way up to 5 grains daily, felt a little better, but not amazing. I figured it was because of the reformulation, so I asked to be switched to Erfa in mid-2013. I did not find that did much for me either, to be quite honest...all along, I have felt OK, but no more, whereas NDT is supposed to make you feel fantastic, right...?!
Lately, I have tried Thiroyd but, in February of this year, on 5 grains daily, labs showed very low FTs (both FT4 and FT3 at the very bottom of range), although my TSH was completely suppressed.
Since some claim Thiroyd is weaker than Thyroid-S, I decided to try the latter. It seems to be working, but I have had to work my way up to 8 grains daily in order to feel truly well, and rid myself of all hypothyroid symptoms.
I don't understand it...I have Hashimoto's disease, although I have not had measurable antibody levels for years (it seems that as soon as my TSH is suppressed, that calms the antibodies down, whereas they remained very high as long as I had a doctor insisting on a TSH around 1.5 on thyroxine only). Some say you should not take NDT when you have autoimmune thyroid disease, as that will trigger autoimmune activity. T4 drugs only do not seem to work optimally for me. So should I go for synthetic T3 and T4 instead...?
My doctor (a Hertoghe doctor) in Belgium has patients on as much as 7.5 grains of Armour daily, so I am not unique. Now, I am wondering if I never gave Armour enough of a chance, dismissed it too easily, and should have raised it instead of just concluding it did not work because of the reformulation...?
Unlike many others, I found Erfa rather weak, and anyway, Thyroid-S works much better for me. Both Erfa and Armour are ridiculously expensive in Belgium, so I am only willing to go down that road if they can offer me something that Thyroid-S cannot.
What I am basically wondering is: could 8 grains of Armour daily have given me the same benefits as 8 grains of Thyroid-S?
Or "should nobody" need that much of thyroid meds, meaning I should look elsewhere for an explanation...? I have been treated for adrenal fatigue, managed to wean off Medrol (4 mg daily) pretty recently, after being on it for four years, and I don't feel any worse because of it. I currently take Nutri-meds adrenal cortex (250 mg) daily to support my adrenal glands.
Any input would be welcome, as I understand it's pretty unusual, although not unheard of, to need as much NDT as I seem to do...but could there be an underlying reason why I do, or should I just conclude it's highly individual, and I seem to need that much...?
Being on Medrol did not seem to lower my need for thyroid meds.