Since moving from the SE UK to the Midlands, I have been so nervous about going to visit, but I did today.
I have a foot disability as well as my Hashimoto's. He saw the foot X-ray that was done at my previous surgery last year. Despite the doctor there saying my x-ray was fine just a little wear and tear. Turns out it quite clearly said I had a plantar spur and arthritis but they did nothing. Just painkillers.
With regards my out of range TSH; he was stunned I was not under an Endo as I am very under medicated.
He has referred me to Orthapedics and to an Endo. He kindly told me I am not just an ordinary case, it's time I got the appropriate care.
I was stunned! Very refreshing.
With regards my previous post, I am sorry if anyone got upset at all. It was just a question.