Just looking for some answers.....: Hello Lovely... - Thyroid UK

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Just looking for some answers.....

Bellerin profile image
17 Replies

Hello Lovely people,

Not posted on here for an age, really have become very disconsolate with everything now, believe I will never actually get better.

I have seen Dr Peatfield last year, and even it seems the great man (whom I adore) can't help me. He says its my adrenals that aren't working, but I don't think the Adrenavive seems to be making much difference. I've recently had some blood tests done by my GP and now she wants me to take my medication down, and I not sure what to do, as I still don't know how to read these test results, so just looking for someone to help me :)

Currently I am taking Adrenavive iii - 3 x AM and 2 x NOON.

and T3 - 1.5 x 25mg tablet AM and 1 x 25mg NOON.

These are the results I have from last week -

Serum TSH level - 0.06 (0.3 - 5.5)

Serum Free T4 level - 1.0 (12.0 - 22.0)

Serum Free T3 level - 6.0 (3.1 - 6.8)

I only take T3, as my system couldn't seem to tolerate even the tiniest Levo.

Any help would be wonderful. Thank you.


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Bellerin profile image
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17 Replies
Aurealis profile image

Have you read Paul Robinson’s book, Recovering with T3 about the circadian T3 method (CT3M). This is a way of taking T3 to stimulate adrenal function through monitoring vital signs and not paying much attention to tests. I think that might be helpful to you. There’s also a spin off Facebook group and a blog by Paul.

What are your symptoms? Are you sure that you don’t need an increase in T3? You shouldn’t adjust to TSH test if that’s what your GP is thinking. It is tricky to get T3 only correctly balanced but many manage it using Paul’s method. Hang on in there!

Bellerin profile image
Bellerin in reply to Aurealis

Thank you - yes my GP wants me to take the T3 down due to the TSH levels. I tried to say that basically, that wasn't going to happen (!) but I wasn't sure if this was a good idea or not. I have heard of Paul, but I haven't read his book, I was debating whether or not to email him, with these results, but if I am honest, I get so much brain fog (and I am not a very intelligent person anyway!) that I find it all extremely complicated! I get scared I am going to be bombarded with science. :( Do you think its worth asking him?

My symptoms are the general things, that have been the same for around 4 years now. Weight gain/difficulty in losing weight, extreme fatigue, masses of aches & pains, still lots of fluid/oedema etc. My weight has improved a bit, but everything else is still the same. Thank you for taking time to reply :)

Aurealis profile image
Aurealis in reply to Bellerin

From what I’ve read of Paul’s Work, he’ll advise you to ignore test and give him vitals, that’s how the adjustments are done. I think he’s on this site too, so perhaps he’ll respond, but I can’t see what advice he can offer without the information CT3M is based on :). But as he’s written a whole book on this... I think the books very readable PR4NOW ?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Aurealis

I don't think PR4NOW and Paul Robinson are the same person. This is Paul Robinson's profile page :


But, neither of them will know you've alerted them unless you do it with a @ and click the name on the drop-down list. :)


Aurealis profile image
Aurealis in reply to greygoose

Thanks greygoose, I didn’t know how to do that

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Aurealis

You're welcome. :)

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Bellerin

As everyone is different even Paul Robinson's system may not work.

The fact is that your GP shouldn't interfere with your dose due only to your TSH results alone. Tell her the tests were only introduced along with levothyroxine T4. Therefore if we add in or take T3 the blood tests cannot correlate in any way especially the TSH.

The fact that you are still unwell and one of our Advisers - an expert in T3 - all of his patients took one daily dose of whatever prescribed, i.e. NDT or T3 (for his resistant patients). He himself took 150mcg of T3 in the middle of the night so nothing interfered.

Obviously we don't need such high doses but I shall give you a link and also ignore the doctor as he/she isn't knowledgeable except to 'adjust' according to the TSH.

I found that trying to 'help' my adrenals didn't work for me and another doctor said that once on an optimum dose the adrenals fix themselves out.

I take T3 only and don't split and it also means I have an easier life as I feel well and don't have to 'remember' when to take second or third dose (some take multiple doses). Best of all I do feel well and energetic.

We are all different and on the forum there are so many different doses or thyroid hormones which have helped people recover.





sophiethecat2003 profile image
sophiethecat2003 in reply to shaws

Hi Shaws...did you self medicate onto T3? I am still tinkering with a combo of T4/T3. I think l need T3 only but not sure how to or wether l should be just on T3. Did you wean yourself off the T4 gradually? I am still very unwell on the combo xxx

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to sophiethecat2003

I was given T3/T4 by Endo but phoned after a blood test to stop taking it. I refused so was told to reduce T4 instead which I did. By that time I felt I couldn't get well under the NHS and that's when I found Thyroiduk.org.uk who have helped me so much.

I also tried NDTs which weren't as effective for me but better than T4 only.

My GP prescribed T3 but then we had problems with Mercury Pharma at that time either and quite a number being prescribed T3 were having problems with it and complained.

I have sourced mine for a while but there's now difficulties with supply. So, if it isn't one thing it is another.

If you can I'd add another 1/4 of T3 to your dose at present (might not

be possible unless you can source your own or doctor can be persuaded) although that is getting more difficult.

I believe research states that a 1 to 3 equivalent of T3/T4 or 1 to 4.

The fact is that levothyroxine is an inactive hormone. It has to convert to T3, it being the only Active thyroid hormone required in our millions of T3 receptor cells and without sufficient we do NOT feel well and can still be symptomatic.

I like Dr Lowe's method best and he only took an initial blood test and, if patient was diagnosed, thereafter it was all about the relief of patient's symptoms and small adjustments (in NDT or T3). Usually it was only his 'Thyroid Hormone Resistant patients' who took T3 alone. If you've not read the three published chapters from his book (posted by his widow) you might find them informative/helpful:-


I eventually switched over to T3 alone and my doctor did prescribe but I have been told they will not do so now as all GPs have had been told to not prescribe T3 any more - due to cost of course - how can a product increase about 6,000% (I think it is the number quoted by Lord Hunt). My GP also knew I sourced my own after the catastrophe with Mercury Pharma.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to sophiethecat2003

print out a copy of the Hormone Restoration above and highlight the important parts of them - especially about the TSH. Some doctors might be interested and other may put them in the bin as they only look at 'official' stuff.

Aurealis profile image
Aurealis in reply to shaws

Shaws, I haven’t heard anyone else express the view that if you treat the thyroid condition, adrenals correct themselves. I do think that’s what happened for me too, I didn’t think there was anyone out there with that view or experience.

I do wonder about vitamins and minerals too as I had to avoid supplements but symptoms that may have been due to low levels did resolve over time (a long time!) with no supplements.

GKeith profile image
GKeith in reply to Aurealis

I looked on the web for this book. For God's Sake this guy is making a *%$#* fortune selling this book. The cheapest copy is slightly shy of thirty bucks. Is he trying to help suffering people with some of the knowledge he acquired from having Hypo himself, or is he trying to get rich. One thing's for certain, he definitely is a Capitalist.

Aurealis profile image
Aurealis in reply to GKeith

You’re entitled to your viewpoint of course, but I wish more useful books like his were available when I was diagnosed 20 +years ago. Books don’t write themselves and if you’ve lost your career due to ill health, and you have useful things to write about, why not become a writer...

Try paying for a private endo and private meds for a lifelong condition ...

GKeith profile image
GKeith in reply to Aurealis

I am a writer. I've written 21 books & I do it because an inner-voice tells me to; and that maybe, just maybe it will affect another human being's life positively. I do not respect anyone who does something, anything, simply for the making of money. When money speaks, truth is silent. The more dollars one makes the less sense he acquires. I got the feeling that this "writer" was a wealthy man, using "private" doctors and so is must be "a very intelligent, educated man." This is a common fallacy, much as is the fallacy that all doctors are more intelligent than, say, the general population: the "working class is." Brother, the reason why so few good books are written is because so few people who can write know anything.

Aurealis profile image
Aurealis in reply to GKeith

I’ve read the books and I don’t get the same message as you. It seems a bit harsh to judge someone’s whole character based on the price of their books! If you don’t mind me saying, it sounds like you have a few hang ups there. I wonder how much of the price is tax, import duty etc? If you don’t want to read the book then don’t, you’ll never know if it would have helped you ... but hey ho ...

GKeith profile image
GKeith in reply to Aurealis

Why would he cut out a large segment of the population from purchasing his book? What is his desire here, to help you (& others) or to make profit? I agree if you read the book and it helped you in any way, that that is a good thing but at what “price?”

Do you judge men by their wealth, their greed or their character? Your character is determined by how hard you fight for what you believe in, not by how much money you make. I love the truth myself and seek it wherever I go and I claim to have a sufficient witness to the truth of what I say---my poverty. Who is this man's witness? Himself?

greygoose profile image

Your doctor is wrong and you are right. Your FT3 is not over-range, so there's no reason to reduce your T3. A suppressed TSH is not a reason. :)

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