As I don’t have a thyroid anymore thanks to radioactive iodine does that mean I don’t have a metabolism?
No metabolism?: As I don’t have a thyroid anymore... - Thyroid UK
No metabolism?

We still have metabolism but we need artificial hormones to enable it to function properly.
I am not medically qualified but if you have had your thyroid gland removed, you have to be prescribed sufficient thyroid hormones that will run your metabolism. We have millions of T3 receptor cells in our bodies and every one needs T3. Our heart and brain need the most T3.
Obviously it has to be an optimum dose, i.e. sufficient to remove your clinical symptoms.
I believe that those who have had a thyroidectomy need a combination of T4/T3. I hope your endocrinologist is humane enough to prescribe these for you.
When you have your blood tests, they always have to be at the earliest possible, fasting (you can drink water) and allow a gap of 24 hours between last dose of levothyroxine (or whatever hormone you take) and the test and take it afterwards.
Always get a print-out of your results with the ranges for your records and post for comments on them if you have a query.
You should also make sure B12, Vit D, iron, ferritin and folate are at optimum too so GP should test if you've not already had them.
I had a total thyroidectomy about 2 years ago.
Doctors won't prescribe T3 and I feel my suicide is inevitable
bardak Don't give up. There's lots happening to improve the diagnosis and treatment of Hypothyroidism. Just yesterday many thyroid groups met with Lord Hunt to provide patient stories for Lord O'Shaughnessy.
It sounds like you need to see a specialist who understands your condition and is prepared to help and support you. Or, if all else fails, you could self-medicate.
Lords huh self serving pricks
The Lords who are looking into the withdrawal of T3 which has been withdrawn due to cost to the NHS, the cost which has risen by 6,000% over the past few years, are not entitled to be called names but to be praised for their efforts.
It is those people who are supposed to be knowledgeable about dysfunctions of the thyroid gland who've made the rules that levo alone is to be prescribed and it is those who deserve castigation for not healing patients with thyroid hormones which suit the patient and withdrawing all of the alternatives, i.e. T3, NDT and who have also made False Statements about NDT which heals many patients.
I understand your anger about not being prescribed T3 and you should be when you have no thyroid gland at all. You've suffered unnecessarily but it is the Endocrinologists and the rules laid down that are abominable.
If the Lords can resolve the very, very cruel decision to withdraw T3 from patients I hope they can.
All people who've had their thyroid gland removed should definitely be given T3 added to T4 or NDT. Not one of these endocrinologists should be allowed to make decisions about what the patient should take, it should be the patient who has to be allowed to trial options to find what suits their body and, most important of all, relieves their symptoms. Or maybe when the 'professionals' develop hypo themselves and prevented from taking anything other than levothyroxine will change their minds promptly.
bardak, having a total thyroidectomy sucks... having to take pills everyday for the rest of your life sucks... having to have blood tests ever six months sucks... but you know what? You still have a life and you have the power to chose to let everything that sucks get the better of you or to say b****cks I’m not letting this thyroidectomy turn my life into hell, I’m gonna say ‘f**k it’ and find something that works for you and push your way past the dark thoughts and depression. I had a total thyroidectomy due to cancer 23 years ago, I have lived with this condition that has made me completely infertile, meant that I have had to have a hysterectomy, makes me alternately so tired I can barely move to completely hyperactive. I have good days, bad days and really s**t days but my point is that I keep on having days because I refuse to be defined by my lack of a thyroid. The thyroidectomy was something that happened to me but I refuse to let it BE all that there is to me... look past the crap and try to find pleasure in something that you love
Hi shaws,
I will repeat the ‘please think twice’, but it is ultimately your choice. I was born with no thyroid at all, in 1982. I have an appalling metabolism, and am currently bordering overweight/obese, as I was throughout childhood. I had a stroke in 2010 when my eldest was 4 years old, and subsequently had another child who is now 6. Since, I have learned my left side is seriously deficient and I am registered disabled.
I have suffered endlessly because If hypothyroidism, and I feel having a twin brother who is perfectly healthy rubs it in!
In the end, I am a ‘cretin’ with an incredibly lucky outcome. Heart surgery, stroke and childbirth have been major health factors which one overcomes. Depression has woven its evil web throughout, causing near death experiences at many a turn. But I refuse my mental health to be what strikes me down.
Please reflect on the life you do have, before you regret the life you don’t
E x
You still have a thyroid gland
So do I but my free t3 was nil. I’d say that’s as good as no thyroid.
I self medicate to stay well.
Anyway back to the main question- the norm does tend to be t4 of 200 mcg. That’s what my clients/ patients are plonked on. That’s nhs and private in my area. Some do ok others need t3.
Shaws is right diet and vitamins are key. You are supposed to have a suppressed tsh. Most GPs simply aren’t told this.
I find a thermometer is a good idea to ensure temps ( hot sun aside) are on average 36.50.
You need 4 a day and the average should be no more than 0.3 degrees off any reading. If there is a wobble or too then you need to look at your adrenals.
Really sorry no one has talked this through with you.
Don’t take no for an answer ever - this is your health and sadly we have to be in charge not someone else.
People here will help if you need it.
Please just ask.
You still have a metabolism, unless you are dead, it is just that yours is sluggish.
Hi Wallflower, I do not have a thyroid I had th. cancer. After my good GP retired I was stuck with a no-nothing Endocrinologist who stuck me on a bad brand of Levo, refused to give me T3 or investigate my symptoms further. When I got serious and told her I thought I was going to die if nothing changed she said my condition must be due to some other illness and I should ask my GP! I then realized I was on my own and I frantically used up what little energy I still had to knock on other doctors' doors until I found a sensible one who put me on NDT (which has T3 in it). I am telling you this because I want you to know that if one doctor will not help you go find one who will no matter where they practice. Sensible docs are few and far between at the moment and I travel 400 miles round trip to see mine - but only once a year now. I am not sure how the NHS functions but should you meet with one who says, "You are not in my area", tell them to please s***w the "area", you desperately need a prescription for T3 or NDT and if he won't do it, to tell you were can you find such a doc.
I am not a particularly out going, loud mouthed person but when that Endo put me in such a state of desperation I couldn't believe what I was capable of. Choose to get angry and cause some trouble and uproar before you even entertain another thought of giving up. You don't deserve to suffer just because one medic didn't read around the subject of endocrinology or couldn't understand it when s/he was in medical school. If they don't understand something they should pass you over to someone who does.
Anger and distrust of the medical profession who turn deaf ears to people who desperately need their help are no good for humankind at all and should resign and take up another profession.
We are in need of knowledgeable, kind, humane doctors who are allowed to prescribe what the patient needs. Not what is laid down by the Profession. Dr Skinner and other doctors (some who've had their Licence withdrawn) who don't toe the line of the guidelines can lose their livelihoods altogether. Dr Skinner lost his life. Dr Peatfield surrendered his Licence and I assume a number of doctors did the same due to the threat of appearing before the GMC for following their instincts and using their knowledge, without the need for blood tests at all and not the guidelines but concentrating on relieving symptoms..