I’ve been diagnosed hypothyroid since 2002 and have regular tests where gp moves my Levothyroxine up or down. I’ve never felt my old self - I used to be energetic, motivated, no sleep issues and slim. My gp will only test TSH and T4 - this weeks results show my TSH is 0.27 and T4 is 23.6. I feel flat, lethargic, chest feels like I’m carrying a weight, hugely emotional and I’m not sleeping great. Heart pumping like mad when I just walk upstairs. I have put on 3 stone in 2 years. I have an appointment tomorrow. Just feel unsupported.
Blood test results: I’ve been diagnosed... - Thyroid UK
Blood test results

Sounds very similar to what my problem was, it could be that your T4 to T3 conversion isn't good enough.
You need FT3 tested at the same time as FT4 to see what's happening. Low T3 will cause symptoms.
Your GP most likely can't or won't test FT3 so you may have to do what many of us do and that is do a private test with one of our recommended labs.
If you're going to do that and you haven't had vitamins and minerals tested, then I would do the full thyroid panel plus nutrients.
Medichecks Thyroid Check UltraVit or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus Eleven.
Thank you. I was considering seeing an endocrinologist privately but can’t seem to find one who specialises in thyroid - I’m in Yorkshire- although I read somewhere there is a national shortage not just here.
Very many members have been extremely disappointed with their consultations with endos. Private ones tend to be NHS ones as well and will generally toe the NHS line. Finding a thyroid specialist is like looking for hens' teeth, they're that rare. It's just that most endos tend to specialise in diabetes, they think treating the thyroid is just as simple as taking a pill and looking at the results to ensure TSH is within range and dosing purely by that, so it's not very interesting. If only they knew!
As a first step, I would do the test I mentioned then put your results on here for members to comment. The collective knowledge of members will most likely far outweigh the knowledge of any endo that you will see.
Thank you so much - hope you don’t mind if I follow you.
Not at all Lost_Girl. I hope you find my posts useful but of course I am not medically trained so all my replies to members are based on my own experience and reading/research
If you do the test, and I strongly recommend the thyroid/vitamin/mineral bundle, then post your results (with reference ranges) and members will comment and help.
Iam suffering fro. Same problm same symptons same.no endocrinolgist dont be upset. But hope for best u'll get soon..
i have Hasi, and i am a guy, but i hear what you are saying, i have gained 2 stone and sleep very lightly, but recesntly i have had some improvements.
these may or may not help you but worth a try?
Vitamins, i use Advance 50+ (ignore the age ) My Dr put me on Vit D, i eat stuff with iron in it (Liver yuk but still good for iron, black pudding tastes better
Lots of fruit.
so these have helped stop most of my chest/muscle/joint aches and pains and i feel better in myself. It is worth taking the Throid home test as it will tell you what vitamins etc you may be low on.
Thank you. I have started taking magnesium powder mixed with a ‘cocktail’ of B vitamins. I’m seeing gp tonight also - fingers crossed. I will also investigate the tests suggested.
Thank you. My T3 was tested and about 41% of the range . My TSH was around 90% of the range. The gp who telephoned with my results was less than helpful. She was concerned over the TSH!!! My options were to decrease my Levo or stay put and retest in 4 months! I tried to explain if she reduced my Levo my T3 would go down. She clearly was not up for discussion.
Mentally I wanted to bang her head off the wall, in reality I wrote a letter to the head of practice requesting further tests and referral to my named endo. I had to Pre book an appointment to see him (which at the time was a month away) and will see him next Friday. It just feels like I’m fighting to be heard.
Sorry didn’t realise my results were not on this feed - I also mixed up my terminology - it’s my FT4 that’s 90% of range.
TSH 0.19 lab range 0.27 - 4.5
FT4 21.8. 11.3 - 23
FT3. 4.64. 3.1 - 6.8
No - I’ve requested tests in my letter - roll on next Friday!