My thyroid has been stable for a year. I have graves. I am 57 years old and still get my period. I think this complicates my situation.
I am still on Tapazole 1.25mg every other day. Trying to get off this drug. I was on this dose for 3 weeks and tried this past week to reduce to every second day.
My new thyroid results from Saturday are
TSH .01(normal range.32-4) mlu/l (I have graves)
T4 20 ( normal 9-19) mlu/l (was 12 a month ago)
T3 5.3 (normal 3.1-6.2) mli/l (was 4 a month ago)
I have been having sore right armpit for past few weeks.
Constipated. My graves eye disease is burned out(no symptoms anymore).
I have been trying to get off this drug. I am gluten and dairy free which has reduced my Graves antibodies. I have not been tested for hashimotos.
What do these results say to you? Am I hyper again?
Any recommendations?