Hi all,
Sorry for this rant, but I’m at my whitts end!
I live in the Netherlands- in Sept. 2017 I started to get trouble with by bowels, and all of a sudden, I had panic attacks, and was convinced I had cancer. This spiraled so fast, that I was lying in fetus position in bed not being able to do anything. So I went to my GP, an older man, he immediately did some blood work (see below) and put me on Strumazol (thiamazol) 50mg/day, and promised me I would feel better within weeks. I did, until this year March, where I felt enormously depressed and panicky again, so I went to my new GP (the old one retired), he said that he had no real experience in treating hyper’s, so he immediately referred me to an endo. Surely enough, I had gone overmedicated Hypo. HE then stopped all medication in April and go a scinti done, which confirmed Graves. This sent me into an even worse spiral, hearing the news and being scared of what lies ahead. After the scinti, my bloodwork was ‘normal’, although I cannot shake the bad feelings, panic, crying and general depressions.
(these are for me the main effects of the illness).
They decided, because my rates were 'normal', they would wait another 2 weeks to see what my thyroid does.
We will start on the Struma’s again 3rd May, depending on my results then.
The Doctor says I ‘should’ feel normal, but I feel like I need to go to the psych ward!
please can someone give me some insight to the following test results (bearing in mind that I'm not medicated at the moment since 05-04-2018):
Date 25-8-2017 5-9-2017 3-10-2017 28-11-2017 27-3-2018 13-4-2018
FT4 (10,0-24,0) 29 34 24,3 17,1 5,8 16,5
TSH (0,4 - 4,0) 0,32 0,025 0,055 1,6 36 3,6
Anti Thyroid TG (0,0 -120) 10
Anti Thyroid TPO (< 34) 14
TSI (<1,75) 0,32
Any and every encouraging note would be much appreciated, I'm really down in the dumps. Is there light at the end of the tunnel? Will I ever get better?