Hi again,
my Dr agreed to request advice from an endo and I have some more results to add to my collection! These are the notes on the referal letter:
! Thyroid peroxidase antibod lev
55 iu/mL <49.00iu/mL
Slightly raised TSH with positive thyroid antibodies. UK Thyroid
Guidelines recommend monitoring TFTs annually unless new symptoms develop.
(name deleted by me) Consultant Clinical Immunologist
! Serum TSH level - (HLS1725) - Await further results
6.38 mu/L 0.35 - 5.00mu/L
Thyroid antibodies to follow.
Serum vitamin D - (HLS1725) - normal
36 nmol/L 30.00 - 300.00nmol/L
<30 nmol/L is deficient - replacement is recommended.
30-50 nmol/L may be inadequate in some people, consider replacement.
>50 nmol/L is sufficient in most people.
>300 nmol/L is at increased risk of toxicity.
Local guidelines for adults can be found in the Primary
Care Information Portal under Local Prescribing
Guidance. In adults, if symptomatic, advise a loading
dose of 3200 IU vit D3 daily for 12 weeks, followed by
maintenance doses of 800 IU daily. In children,
recommend 400 IU daily of vit D3 when vit D is
30-50nmol/L and pharmacological dosing for deficiency.
This advice does not apply to those with hypercalcaemia
or CKD stage 4-5.
Anti-tissue transglutnase lev - (BSA1725) - normal
Negative (on my patient notes it is Serum C reactive protein level4 mg/L< 7 )
If present, assay detects both IgG & IgA antibodies.
! Blood haematinic levels - (BSA1725) - abnormal make Routine GP Appointment-booked with HL
Serum vitamin B12 314 ng/L 130.00 - 800.00ng/L
Serum folate 6.1 ug/L 4.00 - 20.00ug/L
Please note change of reference range
O/E - blood pressure reading
138/92 mmHg
Mean platelet volume 9.1 fL 6.50 - 20.00fL
My Dr actually said that she could prescribe Levo and it would make me feel much better, but that it would make anyone feel better.... I was lost for words.
She said - [after results back]I will request A&G form endocrinology. I am only happy to start thyroxine on their advice unless bloods have changed.
Thanks for any advice x