Hello! I have an idea to help some people find a new doctor who understands how to treat their thyroid disease. My idea applies to Hashimoto's Graves, Hypothyroidism, and Hyperthyroidism. My idea will not apply to every person in every country, but will apply to some people in some countries. If it doesn't, perhaps my idea can somehow be tweaked to fit your situation. I realize that readers here are from many different countries, and that each country has a different health care system, none of which I can claim I fully understand aside from my own country. I believe that most countries have compounding pharmacies, right? Below is how I just found three new Hashimoto's doctors that I can see who are all highly recommended and highly competent doctors who all treat Hashimoto's. If the first doctor doesn't work out, I have two more options as backups:
Yesterday, I decided to call our top local compounding pharmacy in search of a referral to a really good Hashimoto's doctor. I told the the pharmacy tech about my struggles with Hashimoto's, my major autoimmune problems, as well as the difficulty I've encountered in finding a good doctor who understands and treats both. The pharmacy tech I spoke with said she'd talk with the pharmacy owner and have the her call me. The owner called me today! We had a lovely long conversation. She gave me three recommendations. I chose one, called her, and I am scheduled to meet her in two weeks. I am very thankful that she is in my insurance network.
One way to find out the names of top compounding pharmacies is to look on directory app or website called Yelp (US), or something similar in other countries where patrons offer online reviews and star ratings.
If your country does not have a compounding pharmacy, you could go to a regular pharmacy, ask to speak to the top pharmacist, and ask them who prescribes T3. Why ask about T3 doctors first? Any doctor who prescribes T3 is more progressive than those who only prescribe T4. After that, also ask for some doctors who prescribe T4 and if any of them have indicated that they treat autoimmune diseases (if this is what you're looking for).
Good luck! I hope this idea helps at least one person find the doctor that they have been searching for!