My husband is going through a lot of stress in his job, and has been for several months. It recently was made worse when he was passed over for a promotion, as well as his company cutting several bonus programs for anyone of his status and lower. It's comforting that he is certainly not the only one in this position within his company, but it's made him quite angry, nonetheless; and well, we all probably know the old adage, people lash out at those they love the most...
I feel a fight coming. I don't mean a little tiff, either. I mean the kind that end in highly negative comments such as those hinting at getting a divorce. It's like an elephant in the room. I love my husband very much, and I have seen these kind of 'tantrums' from him before... they start out simple, like in the last couple of weeks---his behavior toward simple things. For instance, 3 days ago, he had a fit because I forgot to turn off a light when I left the room. Yesterday it was "why don't you get a job and pay for that." Today it was "Holy $h*t! Why did you spend so much on groceries last month?!" These kind of comments repeatedly are always the lead up to those kind of fights I am referring to.
I have now broken out on face and neck, and it looks like beginning on the chest with itchy hives. I'm becoming quite angst at the notion of him coming home this evening. It's turning me into the lazy person he is acting like I am. I now want to lash out. This is not good. If I don't stop this insanity I will crash... BAD. It's happened before. My stress response is horrible when it's his incessant verbal beat-down.
My meds are not off at all. I was fine until he started this 'game' in the last week or so. I am hypothyroid and on 120-150 Armour. Last TSH 4 months ago was .01 (.45-4.5), FT4 18.5 (12-22) and FT3 5.9 (4.2-6.9) and I have literally felt like my old self for roughly 8 months. My next appointment is next week, and I anticipate no blood work. I'm not really asking for med suggestions or advice with regard to meds---I am fine everywhere, physically. I'm asking for help with a strategy for dealing with this type of stress, or if there are any adaptogens that others have found that help with stress response... Thanks!