Triiodothyronine, Free, Serum: 1.9 (2.0 - 4.4)
Thyroxine T4 Free: 1.82 (.82 - 1.77)
TSH: 2.22 (.45 - 4.5)
Reverse T3: 32.4 (9.2 - 24.1)
Ferritin: 131 (30 - 400)
Folate: 14.9 (>3.0)
B12: 1636 (232 - 1245)
Vitamin D: 40.5 (30 - 100)
Currently on 112 MCG Levothyroxine.
These are my recent lab results. I feel awful. Every morning when I wake up my body feels like lead and my chest feels like it is imploding on itself. I’m so exhausted. Not until I take my multivitamin do I start feeling better. I can’t think straight and having trouble remembering things even with the multivitamin. I have tried taking several D3 supplements, but they all give me muscle tiredness. I haven’t taken one with K2 yet though. I’m tired of buying so many supplements and then they don’t work.
I really appreciate any input you may have.