Hi to all, sorry its a long one.
I am in a bit of a dilemma and interested in experience of others. I've had graves for 30 +years and had RAI around a year ago. became Hypo ,was put onto levo and did not do well at all. I was not converting T4 to T3 and my RT3 was high. After finding no help from my uk endo I put myself onto t3 and lowered my t4 slightly to try and lower the rt3. Fast forward four months and my dosing is 25mcg t3 and 75mg T4 first thing and the 18.75mcg afternoon and evening. I have been feeling soooo much better however last blood results
21 December 2017
FT3 5.29 (3.10 – 6.80)
FT4 12.41 (12 – 22)
TSH 0.02 (0.27 – 4.2)
RT3 14.9 (9.2 – 24.1)
my UAE endo having a total melt down about the TSH and told me she wants me off the t3 or at the very least least down to 10mcg a day which is never going to happen!. I decided to see someone else in an Integrative Medicine centre for a second opinion. He has given me 2 and a half grain NDT and told me to switch and he will take bloods in a month. My dilemma is that i think my RT3 is still too high and if I switch without adding T3 it will get higher as I am increasing my T4 by 20mcg ish and decreasing my T3 by almost a third..... I do not want to go back to the place I was 4 mths ago, feeling dreadful and unable to keep my eyes open. Any thoughts etc most welcome. thank you for reading x