Hyper symptoms but low heartrate: I am so puzzled... - Thyroid UK

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Hyper symptoms but low heartrate

Missy789 profile image
18 Replies

I am so puzzled as to what is going on. For the last month I have had alot of trouble with being able to handle my Naturethroid dose which I take along with 75 mcg of Levothyroxine. I have had to drop it way down (I had been taking 2 grains) and in the last week it seems i can't even take 1/4 grain. After a couple of hours all of a sudden my blood pressure gets real low 96/48 was one of the readings and my pulse between 45-50 with extreme weakness in my arms and feel like I could pass out. That will let up but I am left feeling extremely tense in the chest and like I have a lump right smack in the middle of my chest, thick feeling lungs and I know this all sounds like hyper symptoms but I am so confused as to that my pulse has NEVER been high. Which is one of the big things that i hear about when someone is hyper. I have Hashimotos and I am wondering if I could possibly be getting a "thyroid dump". These are very scary symptoms, and it seems like heart failure. I tried one small dose of the Naturethroid again this morning because it feels like I need the T3. But those same symptoms came on again. I have an appointment on Tuesday with my doctor and will discuss all of this with him. I am just curious if anyone out there has ever had these weird symptoms all of a sudden I can't seem to handle my thyroid meds.

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Missy789 profile image
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18 Replies
Missy789 profile image

I forgot to mention at the beginning of all of this I had caught a really bad cold which lasted almost 2 weeks. Any thoughts on something like that triggering my immune system to cause an attack on my thyroid and release hormones???? Very confused and feel awful.

Boohbette17 profile image
Boohbette17 in reply to Missy789

Hi Missy789, my I hope you feel better soon!! I’m not sure if I had that happen once ( I’m a Hashi girl) as I never took my BP reads but felt what you describe. Definitely infections can exacerbate anything delicate in the body. While someone else chimes in - I’d Like to gently remind you to stay hydrated/ take vit C & if you can muster make chicken bone broth ( or buy ) after all it’s basically overcooked chicken soup using bones (some meat)

I really hope all that ails quickly remedies for you- Hugs🌸

ilenuca profile image

it was a long time when I felt the same, 2 hours after taking the dose of levo. now I take it at night and I feel better.

greygoose profile image

Whilst it is usual for Hashi's people to get hypo and hyper symptoms at the same time, none of that sounds hyper to me. I would say you're very hypo. When did you have your last blood test?

How are your nutrients? Vit D, vit B12, folate, ferritin? One of the main reasons people can't handle NDT is that they have low nutrients. They need to be optimal, not just in-range. So, if you haven't had them tested, I would advise doing so. :)

Missy789 profile image
Missy789 in reply to greygoose

Hi Greygoose, I have had some things tested and I know they are not all optimal.

I posted a few weeks ago about having troubles and you are the one who answered my long post (sorry) but this past week with my pulse getting so low only after taking Naturethroid is something I have never experienced before. What I have had tested back in March is as follows:

B12 = 359 (200-1100)

Ferritin = 50 (10-232)

CRP = <.10 (<.80)

Iodine Random Urine = 138 (34-523)

Selenium = 148 (63-160) I requested this test-I had heard supplementing can help with antibodies

And these were tested in June:

Vit D = 52 (30-100)

Iron Serum = 128 (40-190)

I have been taking a B complex as well as B12 everyday to try to get my B12 up. I also have been taking Vit D for quite sometime. When I go to the doctor tomorrow I am going to insist we look into my adrenals as I have a feeling that this is a big part of my problem. And also have all of these other key factors tested again. I stopped all supplements over the last couple of days and have not and will not take and Naturethroid until after I have blood work and talk to my doctor about what is going on. My last thyroid labs from 5 weeks ago were as follows and I had been taking 100 levo along with 2 grains of Naturethroid for 6 weeks prior to these labs.

T4 1.27 range (.75-1.54)

T3 2.19 range (2.1-3.8)

TSH suppressed

Reverse T3 23 range (9-25)

I now I am so screwed up right now and have not been able to hold a steady dose for longer than 6-8 weeks without changing it. I don't know if I should just start all over with trying to go straight NDT, maybe try a different NDT and take it slower and hold the doses longer before adjusting along with getting my iron, b12, and adrenals better. Where to start..... I guess I will see when I see my doctor on Tuesday. My doctor has hypothyroidism as well so I thought he would be great to treat me, I don't know. This past week has been quite scary. Today so far I am pretty tired but at least i don't feel like I am going into heart failure.

jacrjacr profile image
jacrjacr in reply to Missy789

you are low in b12....

Missy789 profile image
Missy789 in reply to jacrjacr

I believe it is too low as well. Do you think this may be why I would have such a weird reaction now with a low pulse and blood pressure after taking NDT?

jacrjacr profile image
jacrjacr in reply to Missy789

i have found that when my b12 is low...i even get dizzy...so yes when you have thyroid issues ..i find for i has to stay in the upper range so i take a b complex and 1000b12 under the tongue every day as well since b vitamins work best together..and that works..and for me i try to keep my iron higher as well around 70 80

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Missy789

Your B12 and ferritin are still too low, so you need to continue your efforts to raise them. Are you taking vit K2 - MK7 and magnesium with your vit D3?

When I go to the doctor tomorrow I am going to insist we look into my adrenals as I have a feeling that this is a big part of my problem.

Adrenals may very well be part of your problem, but what do you think your doctor is/can do about it? It's rather doubtful he will know anything about adrenals - unless he's exceptional - and the only test he can do on the NHS is the 9 o'clock blood cortisol test, which won't tell you much. You would have to do a 24 hour saliva cortisol test to get full information, and that would have to be private.

And, would he understand the results? What would he do if your cortisol is low throughout the day? I think we have to be realistic about that.

'T4 1.27 range (.75-1.54)

T3 2.19 range (2.1-3.8)

TSH suppressed

Reverse T3 23 range (9-25)'

Your FT4 is rather high for someone on NDT. You're taking too much T4, and it's just converting to rT3 - as you can see. There's no point. Your FT3, however, is too low, so rather than taking NDT + levo, you'd probably be better off taking NDT + T3.

I don't think you're screwed up, just taking too much T4. 6 weeks should be long enough to prove that. You don't need to wait longer, go slower. I think just lowering the T4 and replacing it with T3 - plus continuing to optimise your nutrients - should be enough to set you on the right path. :)

Missy789 profile image
Missy789 in reply to greygoose

Thanks greygoose :)

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Missy789

You're welcome. :)

jgelliss profile image
jgelliss in reply to greygoose


You took the words right out of my mouth . This is what I was thinking as well . Sounds hypo symptoms . And adrenal support as you mentioned with nutrients .

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to jgelliss


mauschen profile image

Your symptoms don’t sound hyper to me either. Are you taking other medications for example a Beta blocker which might lower your pulse? Or perhaps you are or were quite athletic?

I would suggest letting a doctor investigate these symptoms to exclude other causes before assuming that your thyroid medication is to blame. Hypotention coupled with bradycardia (low pulse) is a dangerous combination, a combination which can manifest as the symptoms you described. For this reason, it is important to seek medical help sooner rather than later.

Elisabetho profile image

I have also been very confused, and felt as though I had hyper symptoms with low pulse. However, I have realized that the symptoms were a combination of several things, one being low on both T3 and T4, unbalanced vits/minerals, and an adrenal problem. When you start taking T3, you may experience a rush of norepinephrine, which can be very alarming. This is why it is important to increase T3 gradually. I also find now that if I am low on T3, I can get the same stress response, and norepinephrine rising, this can actually cause the body temperature to rise.

I also know now what it feels like to be overmedicated (not a low TSH 😋). It feels like some heavy weight is pressing down on my head, and a feeling of wanting to get out of my skin, or away from myself, my temperature does rise above 37 and stays high. Also heavy chest feeling, and difficulty sleeping.

It has taken me a long time, and a lot of trial and error, but as long as my nutriens are in balance, and I take a stable dose of T3 and T4, sleep well, and get some light exercise, I am mostely good. The most important thing to me has been to get to know my own body.

I take 100 mcg levo at 4 am, and 5 mcg T3 every 6 hours.

Good luck!

Missy789 profile image

I know I am not actually "hyper". The tight chest feelings that I get I guess is what makes me say I feel hyper. One year ago this month is when I switched to Naturethroid. Up to that point I had been taking 175 Levothyroxine, my T4 was at 1.2 (.7-1.7) my T3 low at 1.6 (2.2-4.2). I don't really know in comparison to that dose what may be the equivalent in NDT. I just spoke with my doctors office. They want me to go in for labs before my appt which they had to switch to this Friday because they want to have the labs done without any thyroid medication in me so I will do the labs tomorrow morning since I took my Levo already this morning. They told me they are going to test a TSH, T4, T3 Comprehensive Metabollic panel and Ferritin. I asked them to please do a full iron panel and also check my B12 again. I will talk about the adrenal testing with him when I see him. Is there anything else I should have tested?

Missy789 profile image

Hmm, I guess I had heard they shut down for renovation of the manufacturing facilities. I do take the 1 grain pills as well, at one point I was taking 1 full pill twice a day, that started to feel like too much t3 at once and i would crash so early in the evening so then I tried splitting it into 3 doses and went to 4 doses splitting my pills in half. I have gotten to the point where I guess I can't even handle 1/4 of a grain. Maybe it all has something to do with the pills who knows. Or maybe it has to do with me dropping so far and the norepinephrine response. Maybe it's because I have dropped so far now my TSH is no longer suppressed and my own thyroid is fighting to make hormone at the same time I am taking it... these are all things that go through my mind anyways. I guess I never thought maybe there is something wrong with the pills. My sister also takes Naturethroid, she doesn't seem to be having these problems at all.

jacrjacr profile image
jacrjacr in reply to Missy789

well thats good to know w your sister...i didnt feel any difference until about 2 months ago.....hope all works out..not knowing is very frustrating when you have issues...

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