Having suffered from sub acute thyroiditis nearly 2 years ago, I have come a long way before being able to convince my GP to give a trial of thyroxine in March this year. My results were in range but despite a good level of FT3 and FT4 my TSH was high. Dropped from 6.3 to 2.7 in a year (without medication)
On advice here, I pursued my doctor to help me bring it down to 1 - my original level before being ill.
From 25 MCG, I moved to 50 MCG 13 weeks ago. Things seemed to improve. I have less nervousness than before. My blood tests on 3rd Aug are:
Tsh 1.4 (0.3-4.5)
FT3 5.4 (3.1-6.8)
FT4 20.1 (11-22)
Vit B12 >1500 (150-1000) on injections 3 monthly
Serum folate 21.9 (2-18.8) no supplementation
Vit D 89 nmol/l optimal >75 supplementing
For the last few days pain in my hands has come back. Hands is main but it's there in My feet too. Arms and legs too. And today I am awake since 3 am because I have numbness in my left hand and somewhat in arm too. It was bad when I woke up (due to it) slightly less now. Tried a lot to sleep since but couldn't because of the pains in hands, feet, legs and arms; and some numbness.
I have requested a dose increase to 75 MCG and my doctor will get back to me if she can do that after consulting the clinical lead on thyroid in the surgery. I don't have thyroid antibodies.
I have never experienced numbness before other than the one that lasts few seconds when you sleep wrong way.
I am not diabetic. Should I get my blood sugar level checked? Long ago in a health check at work I was told I need to eat more sweet as mine was on a slightly lower side. But nothing was there to worry.
Could there be something wrong in my spine? I do bend wrong way due to knee issues but I don't have back pain (at least not as yet- hope not jinxed now).
I think I was improving until a few days ago.
I just don't know what to do. I keep gathering courage but my health keeps shattering it every few days. I think I am selfish as I turn to you every time things go wrong.
It's been more than 2 hours but my left arm still does not feel normal.
Any thoughts welcome - with thanks