Iron supplements: Hello all just need a little... - Thyroid UK

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Iron supplements

Rmichelle profile image
36 Replies

Hello all just need a little more guidance from you guys on ferrous fumarate tablets as when i posted my results on here everybody agreed they were low

Serum ferritin-24 lab range- 20-200.00

Serum folate-5.9 lab range-3.00-20.00

I need to know what strength tablets i need? Thankyou in advance.☺

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36 Replies
Nanaedake profile image

You shouldn't supplement folate before optimising B12. Have you posted your B12 and folate results on the pernicious anaemia HealthUnlocked forum for advice? They are the best to advise on quantity and how best to go about it. Look at SeasideSusie posts for advice on supplementing iron.

Rmichelle profile image

Hi again. B12-608- lab range180.00-640.

Have reviewed seaside susie post but cant find anything on strentgh of tablets are they the same. Thankyou nanaedake.x

Nanaedake profile image
Nanaedake in reply to Rmichelle

Well a good B complex that contains folate in the form of methylfolate would be an option. Also, B12 should be in the form of methylcobalamin in the complex.

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Nanaedake

Its all very confusing isnt it at first.

Nanaedake profile image
Nanaedake in reply to Rmichelle

Yes. It gradually becomes clearer. We are not medical experts, we can only tell you what we have tried and found helped so you should check the information out too. I read that methylcobalamin and methylfolate were safest forms of the vitamins and effective so that's what I tried.

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Nanaedake

That is what i will look for then. Thankyou. Ive been on carbimazole for 1 week now , just waiting for the big kick in now.x

Nanaedake profile image
Nanaedake in reply to Rmichelle

Are you feeling any better?

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Nanaedake

Not much yet as taken to hospital again the othet night suspected whooping cough now. Its been hell. They did day thyroid could be related to virus, so they tooknall bloods again for thyroid and at last thyroid antibodies but they havent been sent through yet, i will post them when i get them, as you know my doctor is completley USELESS

Nanaedake profile image
Nanaedake in reply to Rmichelle

Here's a link to ferrous fumerate for iron supplementation

Were you below range in iron? If so you should return to your doctor and ask for ferrous fumerate prescription. You do need to get retested for iron regularly as it is not safe to overdose on it. I can't tell you what dose you should recieve so best to ask your GP to treat you according to guidelines. You should also check it's ok with Carbimozole.

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Nanaedake

Doc daid they wete in range from labs but been told especially my ferritin was very low. Was told doc would not prescribe has in range but clearly not, so will have to supplement myself

Nanaedake profile image
Nanaedake in reply to Rmichelle

Ok, I understand. I looked at various iron supplements at our local healthfood shop. I found one and tried it. It was suitable for vegetarians. It was not a high dose but it made a difference in how I felt. My iron is still a little low but I'll take a little more now I've had a blood test and know where I am. I can't remember what it was called I'll try to Google it.

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Nanaedake

Thankyou. I was advised when you go for your thyroid bloods get your iron done each time aswell.

Nanaedake profile image
Nanaedake in reply to Rmichelle

Good advice.

Nanaedake profile image
Nanaedake in reply to Rmichelle

I don't know much about iron but I took floradix liquid iron as I'd taken it during pregnancy. It might not be strong enough if you're very low.

Nanaedake profile image

For B12 the most absorbable form is sublingual methylcobalamin along with a B complex to keep the B's balanced. I started with 500mcg of methylcobalamin and a B complex with folate in it a week later. Some people start with a higher dose of B12 but my B12 wasn't too low to begin with.

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Nanaedake

Thankyou i will post my results on anemia forum.x

kittysmummy profile image

Some people don't do well on methyl though so either get your 23&me gene test results which will show if you have mthfr problems. I don't and can't take methyl donors. If you can SI then hydroxycobalamin is what the doc will give you for PA. if your B12 is 608 (almost top of range) have you had injections or are you just feeling tired? I'd be wary of b complex tablets w mega doses of B6 as it can cause nerve problems.

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to kittysmummy

Hiya kittysmummy, wow i feel thisvis not simple its not just chucking a tablet in your mouth and off you go!! I havent had injections for b12. Yes do feel tired i have hyperthoyroidism.

Nanaedake profile image

This is a reliable website to help with B6 doses.

it recommends the maximum daily intake for an adult is 100mg but remember you'll get some from your diet too.

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Nanaedake

Thankyou i will have a readbof that.

LAHs profile image

This is just a thought and may not be applicable but worth considering. You have hyperthyroidism and you take carbazole, are you measuring your blood often enough to make sure that the carbazole is not sending you hypo? The reason I ask is that I did an experiment about 9 months ago to find out at what point my serious hypo symptoms set in, On my way down I noticed a very clear spectrum of symptoms, one of the early ones (after about 4 weeks) was my inability to fight off colds and then a diabolical flu which hung around for 10 days and I would have gone to hospital if I had had the strength to get there.

I think in these early stages you should get blood tests very frequently so that you know what causes what. The early stages are a bit expensive but when you know exactly what is going on and what your accurate dose is then you only need maintenance blood tests, say, once a year if that - and, of course, you feel well.

cuteyoungchic profile image
cuteyoungchic in reply to LAHs

The last insert in my Carbimazole box (took them for 3 years) stated that Carbimazole can cause an iron deficiency.

I wondered why I felt pretty weird, but found on Google that all the "weird" symptoms were those of an iron deficiency.

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to cuteyoungchic

Yes thankyou for that, docs took my bloods for iron and i am lacking in irons, i am looking at different tablets you can get, its great to know the meds cause that aswell its a loosing battle isnt it cuteyoungchick!!

Rmichelle profile image

Thankyou lahs ive only been on carbimazole for one week and only taking 20mgs, do you think at this very early stage it would have reduced considerably? I am going to get blood test again in around 3 weeks.x

LAHs profile image
LAHs in reply to Rmichelle

I am going to hesitate a guess here and say yes. My experience with hyperthyroidism is limited to just one cat. (Yes cat, that's not the spellcheck jumping in there). I nursed my cat through hyperthyroidism for a year and I was amazed how quickly she responded to the carbimazole. When we first went to the vet she had an emergency dose and was calm again that same evening. Now, that is a very small mammal but that reaction was startling. She did, however, spend about a week sleeping until we decided to reduce the dose a bit. If you could get a private blood test via Blue Horizon or Meds check I think it would tell you a lot especially your reaction to the med. You could also go for your doc's test in three weeks, he will probably only do TSH and T4 which will not tell anyone very much.

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to LAHs

Hi lahs, so your cat was on carbi aswell and doing fine now, thats great. I have just wrote a new postvas ibam feeling very poorly at the moment feeling extremley breathless just cant sleep at all, i would say the palps and trembling are hardly there now, i dont cope with being breathless very well. I get my thyroid anribodies tomorrow from the docs. Its so scarey not being able to breath properly, i am pinning my hopes on ferritin tablets to help with gasping for air. I am going to take solgars gentle iron 25mgs.😣

cuteyoungchic profile image

It took me 3 weeks to notice a difference, my doctor said that it would take that long.

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to cuteyoungchic

Yes im onlybon week 1, hiw many mgs are you on and how many times a day, are you recentley diagnosed?

cuteyoungchic profile image

Rmichelle, if you are also taking Metformin, or Janumet (a type of Metformin), they deplete your body of B12.

To correct my deficiency, I ended up putting 8 tablets under my tongue each day, to bring my B 12 level back to normal, now I have an average of 6 a day to keep the level balanced.

The iron supplements, I had to take 3 a day for just under 6 months before the deficiency symptoms eased. If I miss just one tablet, 2 of the symptoms start showing again.

cuteyoungchic profile image
cuteyoungchic in reply to cuteyoungchic

"Rmichelle, if you are also taking Metformin, or Janumet (a type of Metformin), they deplete your body of B12."

Sorry, I omitted to say Metformin or Janumet, for diabetes 2.

Apologies :)

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to cuteyoungchic

Hi there, im not taking;anything at the moment asvmy head is in abit of a whirlwind of knowing whats best? So many choices. I just want to get a good brand that is going to give me the best.😨 i know my b12 levels were 608 at thevhigher end but down on other bloods.x

Did you manage to send your ferritin results to the pernicious anaemia society as Nanaedake suggested? What was your haemoglobin level like? It'll all come out in the wash when the staff are back to work at the doctors - and then another three weeks to get the tests back ha! Better take that iron supplement - Floradixa a small bottle is about £6

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to

I did back then yes, i spoke with 2 people who thought my ferritin levels needed supplementing and my folate was low too but could be made up with food. I think when i see doc on fri i think it would be good to get a complete iron panel done-i will try and have a look for pa replies.x

in reply to Rmichelle

folate in food is a bit difficult - may be you should try a folic acid tablet - you can get them in chemists - but you have to take them with B12.

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to

I have pm'd you. Im confused though if my b12 is fine can i not just take folic acid?

Restless legs are due to iron deficiency according to some posts on iron. The one with b12 and c looks ok - floradix - hope you get the right one but don't take too long!

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