Hi everyone, second post in my thyroid journey..
Results 11/7/17
TSH 0.0
T4 37
T3 16.8
Have been taking 20mg for 3 weeks and to say I was worried about taking them, I actually feel better and have had few side effects.
Went to see the endo on Friday, lovely guy. Not patronising, was imformative and listened to what I had to say. Diagnosed me with graves, which I expected anyway but he also said he thinks I have thyroid eye disease, I've not looked (see what I did there) into that at all, just knew that it makes eyes a bit bulgy and uncomfortable. Which my eyes are. I didn't know that in rare cases it can cause blindness. He's reffered me to a eye consultant that specialised in TED, but until I see her has anyone else had this? Does it get better? What's the treatment? Is there anywhere I can find more info on the condition?
On a side note, I asked him to explain about t3. I've read lots about t4 & tsh but there's not really a lot about t3. He told me my t3 was impressive but not why and I didn't ask.. which I wish I did. He did tell me that the t3 (which he said, some people say is what works best for hypos to make them feel better) patent has recently changed hands an the price has gone up. The dose of t4 £20 the same dose of t3 has gone up to £2000!