I have been trialling T3 since May this year via a private endo but through my doctor on the NHS. I went from 15, to 20, to 25mcg a day split into 3 doses and having blood tests every 6 weeks. As I still didn't feel well, he then told me to take 50mcg a day divided into 2 doses (I queried this with him as it was such a large increase), which didn't work for me as the gap in between was too large (he said 12 hours). He then told me to reduce to 40mcg (divided into 3 times a day - which I did) then have a blood test, with the possibility then of taking 45 (20, 15, 10). I am having the blood test on 29 November. I told him I didn't feel well on 40 but then realised I had been forgetting to take my Vitamin D, which I was extremely low in. When I started taking it again, I started to feel a lot better, which I told him.
He has now emailed me to say that I am taking far more T3 than he would advise as it can cause bone and heart problems. He, himself, asked me to get a bone scan done, which I did, and it was fine. He, himself has told me to take the 40mcg a day of T3.
These are my test results so far:
September 2013 on 50mcg
TSH 0.01
T4 12.1
T3 6
Blood Tests 23 July 2013
I am currently on 25mcg T3 and 100mcg T4. I've just had July test results back today:
TSH 0.01 (0.35-5.50)
T4 12.8 (10.50 - 20.00)
T3 4.7 (3.5 - 6.5)
In May the results (on 20mcg T3 and 125 T4) were:
TSH 0.01
T4 13.2
T3 4.8
I am so completely confused and don't know what to say to him. He has also asked to see me in December (we have been communicating via email since my first two visits to him, to save me money which was at his suggestion and for which I am grateful).
What is going on can anyone shed any light on what he is thinking please?