Hi all I had an ultrasound of my thyroid and it showed that the left side is enlarged with cyst features. So they think it will need a biopsy. Just looking to here from people who have been through the same. Thanks
Thyroid ultrasound : Hi all I had an ultrasound... - Thyroid UK
Thyroid ultrasound

I have Hashi's and Hypothyroidism like you but haven't had this so sorry, not been through the same.
Just wanted to send love
God Bless
The first step is usually a needle biopsy. I had 3. It wasn't painful, just uncomfortable and a bit of an odd sensation. They might repeat it if it's inconclusive like they did for me. I eventually had a surgical biopsy as they could not determine the course of treatment from a needle biopsy. I think usually it's more straightforward and can quickly clarify what treatment is best, if any.
Thank you for your reply I just feel like I walked out of the hospital in a complete daze.
I had a Fine needle aspiraration. Bit of a pain keeping still as it has to be done slowly. I would tell them you are nervous and ask what they are going to do. That way you won't be lying there wondering it it's going to plan.
I had 4 cyst like nodules in my thyroid, I had fine needle aspirations and biopsies every 6 months. They are done while you lay on a table, they use ultrasound to align the needle, there is a feeling of pressure but no real pain, if you are that way inclined you can usually see what they are doing on their screen as its done.