DHEA and pregnenolone or just one of these horm... - Thyroid UK

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DHEA and pregnenolone or just one of these hormones...?

18 Replies

I would really appreciate any input from members having used both pregnenolone and DHEA to get through peri-menopause and menopause: how much did you need to take of each? Did you discover, at one point, that you only needed one of them? If so, which one, and how much?

I am asking because my hormone doctor doesn't test pregnenolone levels, only DHEA levels. For the past couple of years, I have been prescribed 20 mg daily. However, I have found some sites claiming that you usually don't need more than 2.5-5 mg of DHEA daily to restore youthful levels.

Despite being on progesterone and estrogen already, I have noticed positive results as far as peri-menopausal symptoms, mainly heavy sweating and hot flushes, are concerned, after started taking DHEA and pregnenolone (currently a combination product containing 100 mg of preg and 20 mg of DHEA per capsule). However, I am anxious to avoid taking too much of any hormone for an excessive period of time. Information is contradictory; some say you need to supplement both hormones as they play different roles in the body and are converted to different hormones; others say you should only use one as they overlap and taking both can lead to an excess of certain (mainly androgen?) hormones. But some claim you should use pregnenolone as it's the "mother of all hormones", whereas others claim you should take DHEA.

Any input would be most welcome as I am currently trying to find out how to alleviate the annoying side effects of (peri-)menopause, while avoiding taking more than I need of any hormone. Doctors are not always helpful in this respect as they often seem to think "the more the better" as far as hormones are concerned. I want to take the hormones that I need to improve quality of life and alleviate symptoms of menopause such as sleepiness nights, excessive sweating and hot flushes, but I am not interested in taking more hormones than necessary just to "be on the safe side"...

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18 Replies
ljk1 profile image

I am taking 10mcg pregnenelone and 20mcg of DHEA, I'm past menopause,I took HRT for about 10 years and wished I had stayed on it, there wasn't the research facilities then! I'm taking them for very low cortisol and DHEA levels. They have certainly made me feel better, I still get the odd hot flush but I know someone in her 80's who does, lol, it never ends, but I have discovered my libido!😳

in reply to ljk1

OK, thanks! I read that most women suffer from hot flushes for 2-3 years, and it's rare to have them for more than five years...I certainly hope I belong to that category...! I already feel better since going on pregnenolone and DHEA, the only problem is knowing how much to take of each...some say no more than 5-10 mg of each, but why then do they manufacture 100 mg pills...???

ljk1 profile image
ljk1 in reply to

I know! When I first researched them I found this American bloke waxing lyrical over both, but especially Pregnenelone - he reckoned the sky was bluer etc etc and I thought I had struck gold lol, 15 years down the line he is saying no one should take it without prescription! Only 5cgs! Looked a bit more and decided if I was sensible it would be OK - if I am feeling low I sometimes take 20mcg, I saw an interview with Carolyn Franklyn who is prescribed 15 mcg Dhea for menopause,she looks amazing, as I'm older and depleted went for 20mcg! I have seen reports of people taking upto 100mcg, I have also seen advice to stop taking it for a while after 6 months! I think I will do a bit more research but I am going to carry on taking it while I feel ok.

in reply to ljk1

I found an interview with Dr. Thierry Hertoghe yesterday where he says that, after age 35, pregnenolone is not likely to be converted to other hormones, at least not in significant amounts, which makes it primarily a memory hormone after that age...he recommends ca 20 mg of DHEA daily for women and 35 mg daily for men.

I have been considering lately switching to a DHEA cream where each pump delivers 15 mg of DHEA. This cream is supposed to be used 25 days a month, followed by a five day pause. That is how I use Estrogel, so using both on the same days of the month would make things easier.

ljk1 profile image
ljk1 in reply to

I found a post by a lady of 67 who was taking 200mcg for her memory! She said 100 did nothing, she could barely remember her name- 200 she had her memory back! Since I have been taking it, and my T3, I no longer have brain fog-I can read something once and understand it lol, not 3-4 times! I've heard the cream is good-straight into bloodstream.

in reply to ljk1

Sorry, 200 mg of DHEA or pregnenolone?

ljk1 profile image
ljk1 in reply to

Pregnenolone- there was someone else taking 180, neither appeared to suffer any side effect

humanbean profile image

This video might help you decide what is going on - it's less than 4 minutes long :


in reply to humanbean

Interesting, thanks! I wonder why he says that he is "normally hesitant to prescribe pregnenolone" but did anyway in this case as the patient's levels were so low...?

I have been considering licorice root lately; however, since I'm on blood pressure medication, I am not sure that is a good idea...

What he says applies to me; both my estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone levels have been deemed suboptimal. Last year, my doctor wanted to put me on testosterone as well, but I declined since I did not like the idea of taking this "male hormone"...which may have been a mistake. Anyway, I went to the lab last week (where they filled eight vials of blood) and have an appointment with my hormone doctor in two weeks, so I guess I'll know soon enough...I'm especially interested in my FH and LH levels as they will tell me if I'm indeed menopausal or at least getting very close...

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to

There is a form of licorice called DGL Licorice (DGL = Deglycyrrhizinated) which is alleged to have no effect on blood pressure. You might want to research it - but I'd still suggest keeping a close eye on your blood pressure when you take it. Call me suspicious if you want, but I wouldn't be surprised if some brands have more of the glycyrrhizin removed than others.


in reply to humanbean

Again, thanks a lot:-)

ljk1 profile image
ljk1 in reply to

I think he was hesitant in prescribing pregnenelone because he wanted to sort blood sugar etc first then test for hormone levels and sort it then 🤔

Claproosch profile image
Claproosch in reply to humanbean

Hi Humanbean, the link to the video doesn’t work anymore. Would you remind reposting or send title, so I can google it? Thanks


CornishChick profile image
CornishChick in reply to Claproosch

I’d like the video too please as doesn’t work for me either.

ljk1 profile image

Heard liquorice tea is good, might be good place to start as I don't think it would be too strong?

in reply to ljk1

OK, I'll check it out.

iozzia0918 profile image

i was taking 10 mg of DHEA and 10 mg of Pregnenolone i felt fine i felt better when i remembered to take it on the days i'd forget to take it you can feel it in your head. i'm 52 all my blood levels are in the middle range my DHEA is also in the middle and i haven't taken it in over 2 mos now. but i was wondering if we had to take both if the pregnenolone is the master hormone then why supplement with DHEA? just curious my progesterone levels are pretty low and i can't sleep for nothing.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to iozzia0918

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