Hello everyone! Newbie here. I would be very grateful if I received some advice!!
I’m a 22 year old male and since I was around 18 I have suffered both Hair loss and anxiety.
Regarding my hair, although not completely bald my crown has thinned quite significantly and I have what is referred to as a “Mature hairline”. For the past, few years I believed male baldness was the problem and have been on various medications such as Finasteride and Minoxidil which has made it neither better or worse.
In addition, I have been diagnosed with “General anxiety disorder”. I have been on various SSRI’s for years now with little sign of improvement…If anything my anxiety is getting worse. I have had periods of depression which is a common symptom with it.
Although it may be completely coincidental…My hair loss and anxiety began at the same time (18). I thought nothing of it at the time until It seemed suspicious that they both began at the same time.
The past few weeks I have been researching for any other medical/health reasons that Hair loss and anxiety are affected by and I have some interesting findings that may be the culprit.
I went to the doctors to have a Full blood count (Complete blood count) and I have been prescribed Folic Acid tablets as my levels were low.
Additionally, they tested my TSH which apparently came back normal (My GP never gave me the figures). But having browsed the symptoms of thyroid problems, many symptoms I have experienced especially with my hair and anxiety. But others include
Quick weight gain and loss
Thin outer eyebrows
Constantly thirsty
Rapid heartbeat when anxious
Tiredness (Trouble sleeping and sleeping too much)!!
Frequent urination
Also, I have noticed that one of my eyes Is slightly bigger than the other? Not sure if its related or not
I have booked another appointment with my GP to enquire about a full blood test since I have read TSH tests alone are next to useless!!!.
Would Hyperthyroidism be a likely condition or am I clutching at straws here?
These conditions really are destroying my life! Constantly anxious and self-conscious about my hair. I feel worthless
and my life is not worth living with these conditions
Thank you!!