I am new to this community, so sorry if this post is a common one.
In 2013 I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism whilst pregnant, I saw an endocrinologist in hospital who told me anti-bodies were detected, so I have assumed I have Hashimotos. Since then I have had little advice from GP, just a prescription for 100mg Levothyroxine. Over time I have began to feel worse and worse. I took a list of symptoms to my GP:
exhaustion and fatigue
pain in my joints
dizzy cotton wool brain spells
poor working memory and poor executive functioning skills
panic attacks
general feeling of being unwell
hard to shift weight
zero sex drive
increasing mood swings (I have always been a calm person)
He told me my TSH levels were within the normal range and as I am a mother to a child with autism I must be depressed and gave me contact details for a counselling service only. I am not depressed, I feel bad because of my symptoms. I have had depression in the past so have some basis of comparison. I am feeling desperate as the symptoms are impacting all areas of my life, I am not the wife, mother, daughter or friend I want to be because I feel so unwell.
I have just started taking kelp and selenium in the hopes I will feel better. Has anyone tried this? How long did it take to work? Does anyone have any advice? Tried taking glands available to purchase online?
Thank you 😊