My dad has been diagnosed on levo for years now but never felt well. He was on 100mcg for a while and in Jan told him he was normal (tsh 5.2 range 0.4-5.5) so I told him to question it and they increased him by 12.5mcg.
He had his tsh checked after the increase and it was around 2.3 same range. At the time he asked for t4 checking and the gp requested it for him but lab refused.
Anyway I bought him a medichecks kit for his birthday (he would never have bought one on his own) and I've posted his results. He supplements vit d with k2 and has had b12 tested which was in range.
To me, his T3 looks low and T4 a bit low for 112mcg but TSH normal but I'm not 100% sure? Or know why or where we go from here?
This test was am and fasted where his nhs ones are usually afternoon so would be a but of a difference anyway but I'm quite happy with the accuracy of the medichecks finger prick test now I only do finger prick to test mine so there was very slight doubt in the back of my mind.
Thanks x