Help! Nutri adrenal - i cant buy this anymore - Thyroid UK

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Help! Nutri adrenal - i cant buy this anymore

Yellow1956 profile image
73 Replies

I've been taking nutri adrenal for years but now can't find anywhere to buy any more from. Is anyone else having this problem? It's the only thing I've tried that actually works for me, so am feeling pretty desperate.

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Yellow1956 profile image
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73 Replies
Bagster profile image


fibrolinda profile image
fibrolinda in reply to Bagster

Well spotted :)

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to Bagster

Thanks Bagster! Hadn't found this before, despite hours of internet searching. Will order some from here and investigate the other options given below also, just in case the revivehealth source dries up.

elkewilliams profile image
elkewilliams in reply to Bagster


My query is, have you ordered from this company, Revivehealth?

I did, in the hope to get some Nutri Adrenal, but apart from taking my money which I sent via Paypal, I have not heard from them. Their phone numbers go unanswered, their email contacts come back as non- existent. I have now started a dispute procedure through Paypal and would urge people, not to place any orders with this company. They don't seem to exist or have you had any dealings with them?

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to elkewilliams

Hello. Yes, i have ordered from them :( . Haven't used them before. This all sounds rather worrying. I'll keep you updated on whether i receive my order. Good luck with your dispute....How long ago did you order?

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to elkewilliams

Haven't received my order yet and can't get hold of them :( .

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to Yellow1956

Ok, have now heard from them - unfortunately they don't have any Nutri Adrenal :( .

elkewilliams profile image


There is also a problem with Nutri Thyroid as well as with Nutri Adrenal. This is, according to my Nutritionist, due to the new, more stringent testing companies, who manufacture products from animals, have to go through until they get the new license. Theu told me that there will only be available what supplier still have in stock and when this runs out we will have to waitntil the new batches -hopefully- come through. This may be months. I have a replacement for Nutri Thyroid but still have some Nutri Adrenal. A Nutritionist should be able to tell what else is available, at least so that you have some in the mean time.

Treble profile image
Treble in reply to elkewilliams

I am having the same problem. What is the replacement you have found for Nutri Thyroid please?

elkewilliams profile image
elkewilliams in reply to Treble

On my way back from Easter break, at airport, will send you the name and make as soon as I am back home!

elkewilliams profile image
elkewilliams in reply to Treble

Nutritionistrecommended : AllergyResearchGroup Thyroid Natural Glandular.

I need to take more as the strength is not the same. Prefer NutriThyroid, therefore I hope it will be back soon.

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to elkewilliams

Thanks for this explanation :) . Good to know what the issue is.

Clutter profile image


There is some sort of delay in getting the Nutri products out of America.

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to Clutter

Thanks, Clutter :)

pinkjess17 profile image

Dr Peatfield is recommending this as a replacement.

There are two strengths available, they are quite strong though:

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to pinkjess17

I was looking at your link and also came across this, wondered if anyone had tried it

pinkjess17 profile image
pinkjess17 in reply to elaine2447

I haven't but believe they are a weaker version of NDT similar to Nutri thyroid. They are also made by nutrimeds. I find Dr Lams articles very informative, will have to check out his supplements.

Serendipitious profile image
Serendipitious in reply to elaine2447

elaine2447 I've just started Metavive iii. A few other members are taking Metavive II.

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to Serendipitious

How are you getting on with it, any side effects? Unfortunately I'm one of those awkward people where I seem to react badly to most things. Even a 1/4 grain of NTD made me feel awful. The consensus of opinion led me to believe it was an adrenal issue. I subsequently did a finger prick cortisol which I then understood was pointless but couldn't afford the saliva test and another thyroid test but it was top of the morning range "within the normal range" the most liked expression by gp's but the most hated by us sufferers! I have Hashimotos with hundreds of the dreaded antibodies. I don't take anything except some supplements and most recently ashwagandha and holy basil.

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to pinkjess17

More and more interesting, was reading up about Dr Lam and his products. I assumed he was another chiropractor with Dr status but he is a very qualified MD. Wouldn't mind trying the powder you mix with water as a drink. Have you tried any of these supplements?

Serendipitious profile image
Serendipitious in reply to pinkjess17

pinkjess17 I tried Adrenavive iii but it didn't agree with me. There are other members that are using a version of Adrenavive.

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to Serendipitious

Maybe you have an allergy to beef. I had a food intolerance test back in November and whilst she said that it was only 70 to 80% accurate, I should have asked her which way the inaccuracy goes if you are allergic or not allergic. Anyway, it flagged up beef for me amongst all the wheat products etc. not that I eat beef anyway, or any meat really, although I have had to resort to chicken and fish because of my other health issues. The other you refer to is from pork, which gives me the shudders a bit but have to try and put that at the back of my mind.

Serendipitious profile image
Serendipitious in reply to elaine2447

Actually after just 3 capsules - one a day - of Adrenavive iii I started to feel faint, dizzy and exhausted. I couldn't get out of bed for days. I was sick for the next 3-4 weeks or so. I'd put things on the stove and forget about them. So I concluded that it was the wrong thing for me. It might have raised my already high cortisol even higher.

Perhaps it's for patients with low cortisol and those who have stopped producing enough. When I did an Adrenal Stress Profile test a few days later my cortisol was high all day long.

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to Serendipitious

Sounds awful. I reacted badly to ndt and by day 7 (I only took for 5 days) I felt faint and peculiar and went to sit down, then thought I would lie down on the bed, the window was open and I thought I must close it as the birds or something was screaming like mad outside, only to find it was my ears!

Pinkjess above, said the Adrenavive were very strong. So how are you getting on with the Metavive. Are they not the same thing but pork as opposed to beef. I haven't got around to doing a saliva test yet but did the morning blood test and it was high end normal but I think because I am stressed all the time it' probably high at night as well. The functional med doctor I saw sent me a link for Regenerus cortisol testing but that was £200 minimum with dried urine samples taken during the day. I looked on their website but all it said was "basket" and I couldn't find how one goes about it. Anyway, unless I am really desperate don't intend paying all that

So going back to you,I am presuming the Metavive is for people with high cortisol?

AnnaM2017 profile image
AnnaM2017 in reply to elaine2447

No Metavive by Procepts is freeze dried thyroid.

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to AnnaM2017

thanks, I thought it was for adrenals.

Serendipitious profile image
Serendipitious in reply to elaine2447

elaine2447 yes Metavive is a dessicated thyroid supplement. The amounts of T4 and T3 are undisclosed and Adrenavive is dried adrenal cortex.

The former is a thyroid supplement the latter is adrenal support.

Well it's day 4 and I can't say I feel that different. As the amount of T4 is very low I'm also taking some Levothyroxine. I do notice that I'm exhausted around 4pm. This could be the very small amount of T3 wearing off.

Can you not do the Genova Adrenal Stress Profile? From memory it is less than £200.

It sounds like you're incredibly stressed if you don't heal your adrenals before or whilst taking thyroid medication you won't be able to tolerate it

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to Serendipitious

£287 it seems just to analyse a bit of wee!!!

pinkjess17 profile image
pinkjess17 in reply to Serendipitious

I think it was too strong for you, I didn't like the Adrenavive iii either. Adrenavive ii split into two doses is fine though.

Serendipitious profile image
Serendipitious in reply to pinkjess17

pinkjess17 I did try and split the dose but by that time I'd already taken a few capsules and I was so sick that I didn't want to take anymore.

pinkjess17 profile image
pinkjess17 in reply to Serendipitious

Serendipitous it sounds like the Adrenavive iii was shutting down the feedback loop to the pituitary which would lower your own cortisol production. How is your blood pressure? Does it rise on standing? and temperature? If you take the weaker one adrenavive ii and monitor these signs, it will show you if your on the right dose.

Serendipitious profile image
Serendipitious in reply to pinkjess17

pinkjess17 I've been recording basal and before bed temperatures for several months now. My usual temperature is around 36.1 which can then steadily rise to about 36.8 just before a period. Once my period starts, after a day or two it then drops randomly to about 35.7c to then settle 36.2c. I've been drawing charts using Dr Rind's templates. My cortisol was high all day long when tested back in December 2016. This was a day after stopping Adrenavive iii.

Blood pressure is around 110/65. Not sure if it changes upon standing. Haven't checked it for a long time. Pulse is around 57-60 upon waking and then before bed it can be around 66-70.

Don't know if this is related but I've had awful PMS for the last 2-3 days. I've been having a go at everyone and crying at the smallest thing. I'm never like this. I hope it's not the Metavive iii.

pinkjess17 profile image
pinkjess17 in reply to Serendipitious

Serendipitous if I were you I'd do the sitting vs standing blood pressure to see if the top number (systolic) rises 5-10. Your temperature looks low, I'd see if it fluctuates a lot for example after exercise or activity.

I have the same temperature drop after my period starts, it's hard on the adrenals plus estrogen rising in the folicular phase binds up free cortisol.

I wouldn't go only by the saliva test as Dr Peatfield said he often sees normal tests but symptoms say otherwise. If you have trouble tolerating thyroid medication especially t3, it's a pretty good sign your adrenals need help. If I were you I'd try the weaker Adrenavive cortex, or even Thorne has one thats 50mg which is popular. If you feel better, you know your on the right track.

Serendipitious profile image
Serendipitious in reply to pinkjess17


I'll do the blood pressure test as soon as I can. I don't have my own machine so will have to borrow one.

Interesting information about temperature dropping after a period. I always wondered about that brief blip.

The thing is I told Dr P about my experience with Adrenavive in December and he checked my blood pressure, pulse, Achilles reflex and then concluded that I should be fine. Don't know if that's enough.

Thanks for your help.

AnnaM2017 profile image
AnnaM2017 in reply to Serendipitious

Hi. Your cortisol was high all day long? Without falling gradually from a peak in the morning?

Serendipitious profile image
Serendipitious in reply to AnnaM2017

AnnaM2017 what I meant to say was that it was higher in the morning and then lowered as the day went on but it was above the recommended range.

This is my original post which shows my result:

AnnaM2017 profile image
AnnaM2017 in reply to Serendipitious

Ah Ok. Your result isn't that different from mine then. High cortisol low dhea. This was before I'd started any pills. And I'm now on four Adrenavive I I a day and feel they've helped. I wonder if it's an intolerance issue?

Serendipitious profile image
Serendipitious in reply to AnnaM2017

Who knows! It could be but I can't risk trying it right now as I was sick for so long after just 3 capsules. I'm going to see how I go with Metavive iii and then re-evaluate. I've only been taking it for 7 days.

Serendipitious profile image
Serendipitious in reply to pinkjess17

Hi pinkjess17 ,

I just realised that I never did the blood pressure Adrenal test.

So I was lying down for a fair few minutes and my blood pressure was 101/63. I then stood up and immediately took my blood pressure and it rose to 112/76.

I've just read this link on STTM and it states that if your blood pressure falls after standing then you may have reduced Adrenal function. It seems I'm okay. Is this what you meant?

pinkjess17 profile image
pinkjess17 in reply to Serendipitious

Hi Serendiptious, yes that's the one, did you get a pulse reading on those two BP tests? The pulse should only go up 5-10, and your bottom number has risen quite a bit to compensate to bring up the blood pressure. The bottom number tends to reflect aldosterone, and the top cortisol.

Serendipitious profile image
Serendipitious in reply to pinkjess17


Oops no I didn't. Should I just do the pulse test or does it need to be done with the blood pressure?

pinkjess17 profile image
pinkjess17 in reply to Serendipitious

If you have a blood pressure machine it should take the pulse as well

Serendipitious profile image
Serendipitious in reply to pinkjess17


Good point about the blood pressure machine capturing pulse readings too. So things look a bit different today.

Lying down: 105/69 and 70

Standing up: 105/71 and 77

The lower number hasn't changed much today, however pulse has risen. Today I'm roasting in the heat. Hardly sweating at all and feeling incredibly uncomfortable. Feet are boiling hot. The other day I was on my period.

Do you have an online link to the information you've spoken about?

pinkjess17 profile image
pinkjess17 in reply to Serendipitious

Yes the heat is too much today, maybe take it again when cooler as the blood vessels will be dilating more. Your systolic looks low but pulse ok. Dr Pietfields book has info on the adrenals which is good, your cortisol looks low. I would treat on symptoms, not tests as they can be misleading. Hope this weather cools soon, melting.

Serendipitious profile image
Serendipitious in reply to pinkjess17


I do have that book but I read it a while back. I'll see if I can find something. I'm still feeling very tired at times and I'm not sure when I'll ever get better. Thanks for your help.

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to pinkjess17

Fantastic, thanks!! Will have a go with this when my supplies run out.

chorkie profile image
chorkie in reply to pinkjess17

I am now using this due to the unavailability of NAX and have found it to be excellent.

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to chorkie

Thanks, Chorkie 😃

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to chorkie

Hi again. Do you mind if I ask how many capsules of Adrenovive you take each day?

K1V1 profile image

See my PM on product I am using for the past two years.

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to K1V1

Thanks for your PM, much appreciated :)

AnnaM2017 profile image

Hi, I've been using Adrenavive II for a couple of months. I found it helpful from the very beginning. I'm using it with Dr P's guidance. I once took 50% extra by mistake and had a terrible migraine. (Edited-actually in hindsight it may have been due to the increase in ndt as i was over medicating). On the correct dose its helped increase my blood pressure (I used to have no difference on standing) and it seemed to give me more mental energy and make me less likely to nap in the day.

We're all different though and I'm glad I'm using it under supervision. My cortisol reading before I started according to the saliva test was on the high side, so it confuses me a bit that I'm on it, but it has helped nevertheless.

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to AnnaM2017

Thanks, useful to hear this :)

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to AnnaM2017

Hi again. Do you mind if I ask how many capsules of Adrenovive you take each day?

AnnaM2017 profile image
AnnaM2017 in reply to Yellow1956

No I don't mind at all. I went up slowly to four Adrenavaive II, until I realised that what was causing my fatigue was eating gluten by mistake - I have coeliac disease and this wasn't a good idea at all. Since cutting out the gluten I don't need medication for fatigue. They worked nevertheless but just weren't the root cause for me. I came off very slowly as I heard that coming off prescription steroids can cause withdrawal problems (I think these are steroids, just in a natural form). But I didn't experience any problems, either on them or coming off. I took a month to reduce them until I came off. Back when I had fatigue I was immensely tired without them, but I knew they weren't making any difference when I had to come off them for 3 days prior to a synachthen test and it didn't make any difference. By then I'd discovered the gluten problem was causing my fatigue anyway. Good luck.

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to AnnaM2017

Thanks for this info, AnnaM2018, really appreciate you taking the time to answer! And glad to hear you found the root cause of your fatigue :) . Wishing you continued good health!

elaine2447 profile image

Yellow 1956, well I truly hope you find some substitute to your liking. In the meantime, thanks to all the comments made, so helpful and I feel so totally ignorant as I have never heard of any of these supplements, also I didn't even realise that cortisol could be a problem for those with thyroid issues. I thought my "only" issue was severe osteoporosis and primary hyperparathyroidism plus latterly diagnosed Hashimotos. Being a novice I would be nervous to start self medicating but I guess it takes a little time to get the confidence to do that. I was looking at Dr Lams Adrenal rescue capsules but being highly stressed and no doubt high cortisol, I don't know if rescuing means when one is low in cortisol as I don't want to be even more wired up lol. I realise now that is why the NDT didn't agree but strangely found the only day I was okay was taking a mirtazapine the night before. I don't take them regularly as my thyroid problem was initially "depression" but I knew it was more than that, but these Gp's and psychiatrists have tunnel vision. I think they all need to take a course in how thyroid affects people mentally before dismissing symptoms as depression. I think I might have a go at this powder supplement but I notice that it has spinach powder and a couple of other things regarding as goitrogenic. Damned if you do, damned if you don't!!

I forgot to say the reason for mentioning mirtazapine was because having dug out an old one and feeling okay with NDT the following day I was puzzled so started checking on Dr Google only to find to my surprise that apparently mirtazapine is the only anti depressant that suppresses cortisol. A study was carried out some years ago on healthy adults by giving them mirtazapine as an experiment and was found that it actually suppressed cortisol I think it was by up to around 30%. So I found my answer, but I don't want to go back on the horrible things as they also cause one to get overweight.

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to elaine2447

Thanks, Elaine. And good luck with your health journey.

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to elaine2447

Hi again, Elaine. I've just realised that my previous response to you was woefully adequate....! Sorry about that, must have been having a brain fog day that day :( .

Yes, the relationship between the thyroid and the adrenals seems to be something that not many doctors know about. I found out about it by reading Dr Peatfield's book and also a great website called Stop the Thyroid Madness. Apparently if one organ is stressed, it puts pressure on the other and they can then both burn out. And apparently the adrenals need to be working in order for us to be able to utilise thyroid hormones. However I'm still a bit confused, as apparently high cortisol can cause the same symptoms as low cortisol!

I'm not sure if you being stressed necessarily means you have high cortisol. If your adrenals are really fatigued, they may be pumping out adrenaline instead of cortisol, to try and compensate. (Am sure there are much more knowledgeable peeps on this website, who can maybe add to this/correct me). You could get your cortisol tested using one of the private labs (I used Genova)?

Interesting about the mirtazipine......

Good luck with everything and sending you best wishes!

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to Yellow1956

Please don't apologise. I seem to be in permanent brain fog these days. I did have a saliva cortisol test done with Medichecks. I unfortunately didn't leave off the rhodiola drops, ashwagandha and holy basil and the results came back very high in the morning, high midday, high afternoon and very high bedtime. I reluctantly left everything off and was going for another test but was advised on another adrenal group to go for the Regenerus kit which I posted off last week. I dread to think what that will come back as. It said to take the morning test which was the most important so the first night I got to bed and never slept at all, so that was hopeless, the next night I was wide awake at 1.30 a.m. so I just lay there and started the test at 8 a.m. and went through the day. I am probably so wrecked with anxiety that the thought of doing it in the morning caused more anxiety and not sleeping. I am a terrible sleeper anyway. So we shall see. I'll let you know and thanks for your response x

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to elaine2447

Hi Elaine

Sorry for long delay in replying...... and thanks for your understanding about the brain fog!

How did you get on with the Regenerus test results? Yes, I know what you mean..... the stress of having to do the tests might be affecting the results! I went through a similar thing, so am not entirely sure that my results were a true reflection of my cortisol levels!

Anyway, hope things are going OK with you. xx

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to Yellow1956

Hi, please don't apologise for not responding. Time flies, particularly when youre not having fun. Ah well, the Regenerus results. Firstly I think I made the mistake of joining another facebook group who are intent on self medicating with things like Ace, hydro cortisone etc. which scares me to death. They and the uk thyroid group they work in conjunction with is strictly from that Stop the Madness etc. and they do not think Medichecks cortisol tests are accurate. So this is what happened:


13th June with ashwagandha, holy basil, rhodiola drops!

CORTISOL (SALIVA) WAKING *28.850 nmol/L 14.00 - 21.00 CORTISOL (SALIVA) 12:00 8.84 nmol/L 4.00 - 9.00

CORTISOL (SALIVA) 16:00 7.0 nmol/L 2.50 - 7.00

CORTISOL (SALIVA) BEFORE BED *4.84 nmol/L 0.80 - 4.50


26th July no supplements


66.78 pg/ml 106.0-300.0 female


Morning 14.31 nmol/L 5.1-40.2; optimal range: 18-35†

Noon 4.02 nmol/L 2.1-15.7; optimal range: 6-12†

Evening 3.39 nmol/L 1.5-8.0; optimal range: 2.0-5.0†

Night 1.11 nmol/L 0.33-7.0; optimal range: 1.0-4.0†

So the first tests were high high and very high and that was when I was taking umpteen supplements, the second test with Regenerus with no supplements, according to the group low, low, low and high.

To be honest I am fed up with the whole thing and I was told to take ACE which I have no intention of doing however low my cortisol might be.

So I am back where I started, wasted an afternoon at our local endocrine department yesterday, very nice young Chinese doctor, but clueless. I took my last thyroid test with me and I said I know you don't like looking at private tests but our surgery doesn't do T3 or antibodies. Oh I can do T3 he says. I can do TSH, but I said doesn't that need to be done first thing in the morning, oh no, any time he says, so I had a TSH yesterday mid afternoon and I guess it will come back suppressed which will be even better for them.

I explained how puzzled I was that my vitamin D had dropped to half since February despite all the sunshine and me eating oil fish etc. Oh he says 54 is good! I say, I thought for someone my age they recommended at least 70. What about my ferritin, dropped to 32 from 53, oh that's good. As for my hyperparathyroidism well don't ask lol.

So I figure now I shall just continue to drag myself around until maybe I collapse. It is all so hopeless. I cant afford to waste any more money, already spent nearly £7000 on useless private endos and their over inflated costs for blood tests regarding the parathyroid.

So after all that, I hope you are picking up a bit and feeling better.

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to elaine2447

Sorry...have only just seen your reply :( . And really sorry to hear you're going through the mill. I've given up a bit on having lab tests - lots of money and not much clarity! Anyway, hope things are a bit better for you this year. Sending best wishes.

SandraCC profile image

Hi all

Having just recently discovered that I could not order Nutri Thyroid and NAX I asked what the alternative was and subsitited with Thyro Complex and Adreset. However, I am not happy with what I am hearing about Thryro Complex so can I just clarify, are we saying that Metavive is the other alternative to Nutri Thyroid? And Adrenaviive is an alternative for Nutri Adrenal Extra?


Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to SandraCC

I think so..... I haven't looked in to the alternative thyroid supplement though, as I wasn't taking Nutri Thyroid. But yes,it looks like Adrenovive is the possible alternative to Nutri Adrenal.

SandraCC profile image
SandraCC in reply to Yellow1956

Thanks Yellow 1956

Hopefully others will be able to shed light on the Thyro Complex!

Lynneypin profile image

Would love to hear how everyone is getting in with their replacement Adrenal supplements x

sarahstevenson profile image

Hi am unsure whether to start a new post. I am on liothyronine only 37.5 mcg daily and was on 2x NA a day until January when I ran out. . My nutritionist was concerned I had been on NA for 8yrs and recommended I gave it a break.

However after a series of stressors and having to plan a long distance solo drive to support a 90yr old family member I spoke to Dr P's clinic and was advised to take 1x Adrenavive II daily for a week increasing to 2x if all ok. I didn't detect any improvement on one and as the trip was looming became concerned so asked son for his reserve supply of NA from when he was under Dr P. Being frugal I stuck to one a day and survived the trip, just, even though I had to have another course of anti biotics whilst there, darn it!

I have done a zero supplements week to try to start again and was hopeful when I saw this post that NA might be available after all, but evidently not. In the past I was taking NAX but became less tolerant after a while as things improved.

Like Linneypin, I would love to hear how folk are doing now on various alternatives. I am wiped out after the last month.

I am on one kidney, have hashimoto's, cortisol much improved, can't remember last readings in Feb but can look them up. Blood pressure better this morning, and although low a slight rise on standing.

Thanks for original post Yellow1956.

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to sarahstevenson

Hello, thanks for posting and sorry to hear you've had a tough month. You might reach more people if you start a new thread (ie. more people might respond to the question of how they're getting on with alternative adrenal supplements), but I for one am really grateful to you for joining this thread! You and all these other lovely people here have made me feel a lot less alone.

So, I've been getting on ok with the Adrenovive, although I have started some other (non-adrenal) supplements too, so it's hard to pinpoint exactly what's going on. It could be that the Adrenovive isn't as good as Nutri Adrenal but the other supplements are giving me a lift. Or it could be that the other supplements aren't doing anything and the Adrenovive is performing just as well as the Nutri Adrenal!

I too would be very interested to hear how people get on with alternatives to Nutri Adrenal.

Sending best wishes xx

sarahstevenson profile image
sarahstevenson in reply to Yellow1956

Thanks Yellow, good to hear things are improving for you. Like you I have other factors, so it's tricky to identify which is which. I have decided to try a few days on Adrenavive ii after seven days of no adrenal support. Will see what happens, and post a new thread when I have access to better computer connection. Good luck unravelling the factors!

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to sarahstevenson

Thanks, Sarah! And good luck to you too xx

sarahstevenson profile image
sarahstevenson in reply to Yellow1956

hi Yellow, I have had an email about two weeks ago from Nutriadvance saying NA available again and it showed on their website. I held back ordering as wondered whether it was a scam.....seemed tricky to log on and was up to ears in Improve Thyroid Treatment proof might be NA is really back again....?

Yellow1956 profile image
Yellow1956 in reply to sarahstevenson

Hi Sarah, really sorry for such a late response, have only just seen it :( . I've just had a quick look and it does indeed seem that Nutrition Advanced are selling it again!!

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