Going through old papers relating to when I saw Dr Barry Durrant Peatfield he recommend to take the above. It looks as though it no longer exists, does anyone know the alternative and how good it is and why it was discontinued please? Thank you.
NUTRI Adrenal Extra: Going through old papers... - Thyroid UK
NUTRI Adrenal Extra

NAX was the stronger of the two with added vits and tiny bit of pituitary gland. The glandular mixes now a days are really expensive such as Dr Wilsons Adrenal Rebuilder.
For just adrenal glandular I have seen members mention Adrenavive who do both the whole or cortex in the higher doses. I can't take glandulars as they make my head go swimmy, although I have tried numerous times and if I was to try again I would go for the Thorne Adrenal Cortex as only contains the corticosteroids so no adrenaline.
Thank you so. much for your prompt reply Radd. Since I had my thyroid removed in 2003, I have tried to learn as much as I can about thyroid/adrenals.....always found the adrenal supplements and which one hard to grasp. However, over the years things have got steadily better, and have been pretty ok, or at least good for me, and I haven't needed to take any.
I believe the last 3 years have taken their toll on me, as has a lot of people, I follow and read a lot of politics particularly American (when America sneezes Britain catches a cold), and have been watching things unfold waiting for the next disaster. Much as I like to keep my "vibrations high, and stay positive" sometimes I go to bed with my head swimming, and have just discovered I grind my teeth, so I suppose it was going to affect my weakest area. It has come as a bit of a shock to have a return of this very painful leg situation. I had it when I first saw Dr Peatfield, and he prescribed Nutri Adrenal Extra x 4 a day and within days the pain had gone, never to return again, until now 13 years later. During the time I saw Dr Peatfield I was under enormous stress, and he told me that my thyroid medication "was not getting into the tissues". Well fast forward nearly 13 years, and with a bit of tweaking I have been ok. I will order right now Thorne Adrenal Cortex and give it a go.
I am so very grateful for the information and help on this site, it is always such a comfort to know there are people out there that know their onions....
Oh, sorry to hear about your leg.
NAX contained 200mg adrenal gland, whereas Thorne contains only 50mg. Adenavive come in 100mcg & 200mcg ( I think).
I have actually ordered what you recommended and will give it a go. hoping along with an anti-inflammatory diet, and the patches Marz recommended things will improve. I am in so much pain, I just wanted to order something quickly and hope it does the trick. I have lots of great information on this page, so if that doesn't work I can try the other recommendations. Thank you again.
I’ve taken adrenavive l and ll. ll is just cortex and suited me better
As I find the Adrenal side of things a bit of a minefield, I have just ordered what Radd recommended Thorne Adrenal Complex x 2 pots and will give it a go. If that doesn't work I will have to navigate some of the other recommendations on here. Thank you so much.
Thorne do 50mg tabs
I took Thorne ACE Margo as I, also, could not take the NAX. In my case, Dr Peatfield said the B vitamins could have been too much for me.
Out of curiosity, did you ever try adaptogens before the Thorne ACE? I noticed that it includes the adrenal and cortex and I'm wondering if it gives you a burst of energy. I'm trying to avoid things that are stimulating
Hi Imaaan , no, I have never tried an Adaptogen as I knew, by testing, that my Cortisol was low. I have not taken Thorne ACE for some years, and it certainly did not include the adrenal then. Only the Cortex. Adrenaline always makes me feel overtreated. Sorry I can't help. Hope you find the answer for you.
Hi,Just read through your post: I too visited Dr Peatfield - several years ago!
I've just looked at Nutri Adrenal on their website: They have one product call Nutri Adrenal advanced? I think.
I need to find the appropriate medication for my Adrenal Fatigue
I'm just a bit confused as to the name description- re: Nutri productions- hence, Nutri Adrenal Extra - is it the same has Nutri Adrenal Advanced?