Alarming: yesterday I was listening to a radio interview (this is in Canada on CBC radio). Apparently 40% of the population is low B12. And yet, just like NHS over by all of you, doctors here are being discouraged from even testing for B12 because each test costs $40 and it's too expensive.
At the same time Health Canada announces to the population that taking vitamins and supplements is a waste of money and only benefits a very small percentage of the population who have a diagnosed problem.
What is government playing at?
4 out of 8 staff members at work get a 1,000 mcg B12 injection once a month due to diagnosed B12 deficiency. One of them got so low she couldn't get out of bed and walk.
Far as I'm aware, I'm the only one who is on levothyroxine. But others are anemic and all manner of problems which degrade quality of life and sap energy. I doubt this situation is unusual. So much for government funded healthcare.
One employee is going back to Slovakia for 6 weeks to have a health problem addressed because over here a person can turn into a human pingpong ball going from this to that but get nothing accomplished...this after almost 2 years. A pingpong ball that spends a few thousand dollars on ineffective therapy. No, contrary to propaganda, healthcare is not free. Some things are. Most things not.
Lousy healthcare is epidemic.
The only reason I know that I have two herniated discs pressing on my spinal cord is because I got a copy of the MRI disc and put it into the computer at work. I saw it with my own eyeballs. Otherwise it's just 'spinal stenosis' which can be caused by multiple problems. Useless reports. Useless superficial garbage.
The bottom line is nobody gives a flying.... meantime people continue to suffer not knowing why.
The New York Times had an article about how testing for vitamin D is useless. Levels of below 20 ng/ml (50 nmol/l) are significant and very few people get to that. Now they claim the Vitamin D council recommendations cannot be justified.
One week it's this. The next week it's something else altogether.
Who even pays attention? I know we do because we have a problem and here we are. But most people don't. And gradually their health declines for reasons that are entirely preventable. We have a serious lack of health education.