Hi dont know if anyone can help, in an earlier post I said i had to have a filling or extraction and the dentist used the injection without adrenaline as I have overactive thyroid and take carbizmazole and propananol. She referred me to another dentist to have sedation to have extraction as the injection didnt work well. I have been to new dentist today and they are going to remove two teeth under sedation. I booked appointment and was then asked to pay £56.30 i questioned this as i have already paid my own dentist for band 2 treatment the receptionist said the sedation wasnt included in the amount i paid my own dentist. Can anyone help me on this please?
Dentist Charges: Hi dont know if anyone can help... - Thyroid UK
Dentist Charges

If you have paid twice - raise a complaint with NHS England I'm sure they deal with it now. You just have to phone them, tell them of your complaint and they will (should) sort it on your behalf.
Complaining to NHS England
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Complaints – what you need to provide
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I'm not law person but if you have paid for a "service" and they cant provide it and they "sub-contract" you to another place they should cover the cost,.it's part of your treatment.not your problem if they cant provide it.
id definitely look into this.
sounds wrong to me.
good luck
I paid my own dentist the max fee of £233 for some extensive treatment but they recommended sedation for one part which they were unable to supply 'in house'. They did me a referal but the new dentist also wanted a £56 fee as by having it done somewhere else it counted as separate treatment!!!!! It would have been a bit of a long shot anyway and to be fair the new dentist advised i would probably lose the tooth in the near future so I decided to cut my losses and my original dentist just took it out. There was no mention of the extra cost being down to the sedation and I had already paid the maximum chargeable anyway
Hiya - was wondering if the sedation is going to be nitrous oxide? If so please be mindful that it will deplete your B12 levels, this happened to me last year. It was a downward turn for me health wise and it wasn't until I read about nitrous oxide wiping out B12 levels that realised that this had probably contributed to the downward spiral I experienced.
Thank you everyone for your replies will look into this. Thanks again