I have Hashimoto's, diagnosed in June 2016, I had been on 100mcg of Levothyroxine for 7 weeks up to last weekend.
I had a blood test done privately a couple of weeks ago, the results were:
March 22nd test:
FT3 4.22 (3.1-6.8)
FT4 16.31 (12-22)
TSH 1.44 (0.3-4.2)
My previous test in January when on 75mcg Levo;
T3 4.26
FT4 15.31
TSH 1.48
Last Saturday I started feeling the old tired symptoms. I decided off my own back to up my Levothyroxine dose to 125mcg last Sunday, as I think I have room to improve, as my FT3 and FT4 are not at the upper end of their ranges, and TSH is above 1. 100mcg doesn’t seem to have made any difference to my blood levels of thyroid hormones above what 75mcg was doing, although it did make me feel better. I have been taking the increased dose of 125mcg for 8 days now. I know it takes around 7 days to be absorbed, and even longer to get the full effect. However, over the last few days I have reverted to feeling like I did when I was on a really low starter Levo dose. My legs feel like I have sacks of flour tied to them, and I’m tired.
I've been in training for a marathon- I ran 20 mile two weeks ago, and again last Sunday, I’ve had a week off running since. Running has been ok since on 100mcg, not as good as a couple of years ago, but I've been managing. I have a huge race in two weeks, the Boston Marathon…(I signed up and paid a lot of money to go literally days before being diagnosed with hypothyroidism). I am desperate to feel at least as I did a couple of weeks ago!
I can’t work out if my worsening symptoms are due to T3 being eaten up by the training, and it has hit a real low over the last week (it wasn’t so bad a couple of weeks ago as the tests show), or could, paradoxically, the increased dose of levo be making me feel worse?! I’ve ordered a simple TSH, FT3, FT4 test to try this week so I can take a look for myself, see if there are any clues. I’m just desperate to be able to run!