Hi all,
I posted prev about my thyroid issues. After 14yrs on Eltroxin/Levo my thyroid has gone crazy in the last 2 yrs 10mths after having my 3rd child. I have Hashi hypo as well as autoimmune alopecia. This all started as i missed a couple of periods and was dx with Primary Ovarian Insufficiency. I went to my gynae as only symptoms i had was prolapse and was put on hrt which i couldnt tolerate. Came off after 3 mths and my periods and thyroid issues resolved for a further 6 blissful mths. Last feb it all went haywire again and has been for the last 14mths. It was only in Jan that my bld tests were consistently skewed and i feel the real root of my prob has come to light. My blds consistently read high TSH as in 14 , high FT4 just over upper range and am not sure of FT3. I was taken off meds but had to go bk on 50mcgs after 2 wks. Im coming into 5th wk of 50mcgs and get bkds tmrw. My prob is my endo believes im dev simultaneously TSAbs and TBabs!! If this is the case she can only try to manage my symptoms. Im concerned as ive asked re vit and iron levels and she waived that off. I havent had any done and have been supplementing myself as my ferritin has always been low 20s. I asked about adrenal reserve but was tested for Addisons and Cushings but not fatigue. Im afraid that i will be left in this state. Im 42 with 3 young kids and have been out of work since this started with my elderly parents helping with kids. Its a living nightmare and i refuse to believe 'this is as good as it gets'. Anyone have a swinging hypo/hyper thyroid???