Hi this is only my second post. I need some advice. I am taking 100mcg levothyroxine after TT in June 2016. Originally took thyroxine in a morning, not well tolerated so after reading on this site about taking at night this is what I do....it seems to be much better for me...I started on 100mcg in June but have reduced and increased dose since and am now back to 100mcg. I 'feel' better in myself, still feel tired at times, but not so good on the aches and pains in my knees and now hip and lower back.....I have suffered with osteoarthritis for a number of years, but never in my hip or lower back...I read that sometimes thyroid problems can cause 'aches and pains' in joints, is this correct? My GP is sending me for a blood test and I note she is asking for TSH, T4, T3, vitamin D, B12+Folate, Ferritin....U &E, LFT, Calcium, HbA1c, TFT, Full Blood count, ESR, Rheumatoid Factor....looks like she is covering all.......
Could someone tell me if I need to fast before test and do I take my Levo the night before or do I not? No one has suggested this to me before blood test that I have previously had....
I have also, in the last few months started having problems with my eyes....ophthalmologist seem to think it is TED.....I am having an MRI on my orbits next week. What will happen next, I thought all my problems would disappear after my thyroidectomy, but it seems not......any suggestions how I can help myself to feel 'well' again would be much appreciated....
Oh, by the way I am nearly 65 years old and overweight!
This is all very new to me and any advice would be much appreciated.....