Sorry this is a long post. Gps have been treating me with various HRT due to extreme tiredness, apathy, low mood, etc (list of symptoms is huge). To cut a long story short, if the HRT works it only does so for a couple of months, when I feel brilliant, then back to feeling crap. I cant believe how good it feels to feel like me again. The gp is convinced that HRT cant stop working so it must be something else causing my symptoms. She ordered a number of tests, some results are as follow:
TSH 1.98, T4 12.4, serum vitamin b12 375, serum folate 8 and ferratin 24.
I have been advised that they are all normal results but I'm pretty sure that the B12, folate and ferratin are on the low side? Do the TSH and T4 results look normal to you guys?
I just don't know what to do next. I doubt the gp will be interested in results that are low but fall within the lab range. Thank you for reading.