Hi, is NDT stronger than t3 only.I took my pm dose 3/4 grain and felt hyper ,but I used to take 20 mcg of t3 in pm dose and never felt hyper then.I am taking 1 grain in am and 1/2 grain in pm.Feel really bad.Now on NDT only.I used to take 40 mcg daily t3,am I on too low a dose of NDT or too high ?
NDT: Hi, is NDT stronger than t3 only.I took my... - Thyroid UK

1 grain NDT is equivalent to 25mcg T3 so 1.5 grains = 37.5mcg T3.
Hi Clutter. Your really good at this sort of thing but am intrigued & curious as to how you worked it out?
I grain of WP Thyroid (ndt) contains 38mcg of t4 & 9mcg of t3.
I know thoughts vary on the strength of t3 when converting to t4 but working on t3 being three timess stronger than t4. That would be 38 divided by 3 ='12.5 approx +9mcg (t3content) = 21.5 -22mcg equivalent of T3 . On that basis 11/2 grains would be 33mcg max?
Put me out of my misery will you? 😊 Thanks!!
Waveylines and silverfox7
Most conversion charts use 4:1 like the makers of NDT so 1 grain = 75mcg T4 = 25mcg T3. They are approximations and because everyone metabolises tablets differently should be used as estimates.
Ah well Im even more confused Clutter. My ndt 1grsin tablet contains 38mcg of T4 & 9mcg of T3 as stated by the manufacturers. This is what the chart you sent me shows....
Most ndts have this proportion except for Erfa which has less t3. If I went on a t4/t3 rconversion of 4:1 to work out the t3 equivalent -wouldn't that therefore be 38 mcg of t4 divided by 4 which equals 9.5 of t3 plus the 9mcg of t3 already in the one grain tablet which means one grain converts to an equivalent 18.5 of T3.
Obviously this is just for the purposes of a very rough equivalent when transferring from T3 only meds to a NDT. How one would respond is different matter....lol.
The conversion charts are just guides. When 1 grain is said by manufacturers to be equivalent to 100mcg they mean it is bioequivalent ie the effect is equivalent to 100mcg.
I work to 3:1 for T3:T4 so 1 grain is 38mcg T4 + 9mcg T3 = 65mcg T4. If it were 4:1 1 grain = 74mcg.
At 3:1 25mcg T3 = 75mcg T4 or 1 grain.
Sorry clutter am still confused. The question was what the ewuivalent the ndt is to T3 ......not that you can really do such a thing in reality we all react differently to the different forms. . So why have we moved onto equivalent T4.?
Please bare with me Clutter maths has never been my strong point.....i may have to bail out....lol!!
I've already said:
At 3:1 25mcg T3 = 75mcg T4 or 1 grain.
Ok I think Ive got what you mean now....lol.
But my WP thyoid one grain is the equivalent of 65mcg of T4 = 21.66 of T3 using the 3:1 ratio.
Well thanks Clutter got there in the end......sorry I was soooo slow! Lol...
Actually Ive learnt something as I never realised that the t4 equivalent was written on the front of the bottle! Haha! What a revelation!! Weirdly it says mg...surely that should be mcg....bu am not goiing to go there never fear Clutter!! Thankyou for your patience! 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Waveylines, I believe the number of mg on the bottle refers to the amount of thyroid extract in each pill. It is not related to the T4 and T3 content of the pills, which is stated in mcg
Using two of the Thai brands as an example (and taking figures quoted on STTM website):
Thyroid-S claimes to be 60mcg of thyroid extract, which contains 38mcg T4 and 9mcg T3
Thiroyd also claims 60mg thyroid extract, but only 35mcg T4 and 8.3mcg T3
Other NDT brands are detailed on the Thyroid UK website (scroll down the page to the table) thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/treatm...
Well both of you have confused me in that I would have to sit down and put my maths head on but I was thinking when I read the post does it really matter as I would have thought we make the choice than dose according to our particular needs and availability of which we can use.
True silverfox.....completely agree with you -at the end of the day what really matter is how we respond in our individual way to the NDT 😊😊 As you know different brans often have the same ratio of active ingredients but iften we react differently to the different brands.....lol
Guess thats why many advise starting on a much lower dose and gradually increase. Guess thats why they say medicine is an art form as well as a science!! 😀😀
Could it be the t4 that's made you feel like this? If you haven't been used to taking it for a while? Could initially be a bit of a shock to the system.
So can I clarify that 1 and half grains or 1.5 grains is not more than 40 mcg of t3 .and not more than 65mcg of thyroxine.Ireally never felt a real change in NHS t3 when I took it it was like a slow improvement.With WP NDT I really feel it .I feel hands warm ,someone once said this can be your own thyroid making hormone as TSH may not be suppressed yet.I am on NDT at 1 and a half grain as 1 3/4 made my heart pound.I am just scared of taking too much as symptoms are similar when I am hypo .Surely I cannot be taking too much if taking 1 and a half grains as apposed to 40 mcg of t3 and 120 thyroxine before I took t3 only.
Thanks Clutter,again.
Susie.....I found WP has a good uptake for me so needed less then when on other ndts.....just my experience. You could always try 1 & a quarter if it doesnt settle down or you get other symptoms such as loose bowels.