I honestly don't know if I'm coming or going. Three Dr's later, and I'm still in the same sinking boat. How many times can you say no to a Doctor - just sitting there shaking your head and you feel like the darn world in on your shoulders when I'm sleeping for nearly 15 hours a day. My youngest Son wonders where I am, and his Father has to tell him that Mother is in bed. He's only 14, and a lovely boy, but his school work is suffering, as where am I?...in bed. My Husband is doing his best to cope. Oh my word. Push yourself, push harder. Heavens I'm upset sorry. I don't know if I'm making any sense, but I'm sure some of you have been there too. I need your advice please.
These are my latest results, the comments alongside are from the Doctors, all three of them.
TSH *0,13 (0.27 - 4.20) You need to drop your Levo from 100mg, to 75.
FT4 16,8 (12 - 22) Good.
FT3 3,9 (3.1 - 6.8) Excellent your within range.
B12 326 (145 - 569) I'm already taking sublingual B12.
Folate * 5,89 (8.83 - 60.8) Using Thorne already.
Ferritin *189 ug/l (15 - 150) All three said fine.
Vit D 49 (75 - 150) No problem, it's Winter!
What am I doing wrong, what have I missed? I don't know what to do. I can see my FT3 is too low, why can't they see that. My TSH is supposed to be suppressed isn't it, as I'm taking T4 anyway? Oh before I forget, I showed one Doctor my hairline and said 'look, it's going again, and I still don't have hair elsewhere on me'. Do you know what he said? 'look at my hairline, I'm going bald too'. Wow. Now that's going some, I was devastated.
Please help me.