So far haven't got anywhere. Still feel like crap. Being treated for B12 def which will wait till Jan for more bloods to see what they are before dosage is changed. However still using lots of hasmo symptoms. My hair is scarily falling out so much. I'm 34 in last 4 years I've Gina down hill. I know I have a very enlarged thyroid, also have multi nodular grotire. How can I keep bein told my bloods are find and its depression (I'm not feeling like this is making me) I'm sure you are aware of symp with hash so won't waste to much of your time listing them. Just need advice to what bloods I should be asking for also to be carried out and information to give my doctor I'm not good at explaining she always over powers me verbally. These are my last bloods done in October 2016 with GP and November 2016 with ENT:
October 2016:
*note bloods done at 2pm
B12-180 ng/L (191.00-900.00ng/L)
Coeliac disease screen - 1 kU/L (0.00-5.00 kU/L
Serum ferritin - 48ug/L (10.00 - 160.00) ug/L
Serum free T4 Level-14.2pmol/L (10.50-24.50)pmol/L
Serum TSH level- 0.64 mU/L (0.27-4.20mU/L
November 2016:
*note bloods was done at 8:45pm
Enlarged thyroid confirmed via scan (multi nodular grotire)
TSH 1.55 mIU/L (0.27 - 4.20) mIU/L
Free Thyroxine 13.6 pmol/L (12.0 - 22.00) pmol/L
Total T3 1.8 nmoI/L (1.3 - 3.1) nmoI/L