hi all could you advise me on my ferritin results I have been having very bad joint pain (I do have scoliosis in my spine) but it seems more widespread now its in my shoulder and hands, I had recent blood test and they show
serum ferritin 32 ug/l (11.00 - 307.00 ug/l
serum folate 15.5 ug/l (3.00- 19.90 ug/l
serum B12 166 ng/l (145- 910 ng/l
serum bilirubin 19 umol/L >(21.00 umol/L
My doctor said that the B12 was ok but I tried supplementing with a Bcomplex vit B12 added its not a high dose but I did feel an improvement even though small could these results be responsible for my joint pain any avise would be of great help thanks