Hi there!
So I have hypothyroidism/hashimotos. I was given the radioactive iodine treatment when I was in my early teens so no choice but to be on medication for life now! Anyway, my GP has stopped my T3, and my weight has shot up. I'm on a low carb diet- which worked a treat for me when I was taking T3 (I actually lost weight like a normal person!), but since T3 was stopped I've put on 3 stone! The low carb diet isn't working now, I'm at the end of my tether and it's making me so down. I have seen that there is t3 for sale online- but I wanted to see who people have ordered from? Want to make sure the tablets are safe and legit before I order, as there are a lot of different places selling it!
Thankyou in advance for your help!!