Iam a hypo thyroid in 7 months I take 100mg lavothyroxin every day but last 3 months I have severe left side back and frond rid pain I take more madicine so bad what can I do pls reply
Hypo thyroid : Iam a hypo thyroid in 7 months I... - Thyroid UK
Hypo thyroid

As I am still new to this - is that really the case that Levo causes the pain we experience Jamesal0? As I am still trying to get my Endo/GP to understand what level of pain I am in and the GP has just decided to send me to a pain clinic?!
Mmm will have to check that out and see if my pharmacy would be willing to order in a different one - thanks for your reply Treepie!
Have you got any recent blood test we can see (with the ranges)? Doctors in the UK are obliged to let us have our results for our records. Then people here might be able to advise.
Have you had the pain before you took the levo our could it be an injury? Is the pain muscular ( muscles hurt), internal (eg. Stomach/ liver hurt) or all over?
It's not always because of the levo, could be something unrelated that got worse.
Stop taking Levo for a few days - does the pain improve. I used to think I was a having a heart attach. I also had head fog and constant head aches, dry scratchy eyes, random shooting pain in the eye balls, nervy bladder, sore joints, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, heat intolerance, shortness of breath, tingly numb feet and hands, blood sugar issues, failing renal tests too. I changed to NDT and guess what - all better in 9 months.
Read the drugs.com/sfx/levothyroxine...
Which ones do you have ? Most Levo users I speak to have about half in a mild form and one or two really bad.
Actually it's a perfectly normal question to ask. As a massage therapist I can tell you 100% of people I see have postural problems including myself. It's not out of the question that the OP has exacerbated existing problems over a 4 month period, or that he might have developed some other health issues. If someone came me in clinic with this sort of complaint I will most definitely check them for pelvic misalignment!
So, yes it could very well be the medication, but there's lots of other things that could be happening in their body that the OP didn't tell you about.
Levo works for a lot of people and conversely, NDT isn't the magic bullet. Just because levo doesn't work for you and it doesn't work for me doesn't mean it's the single contributing factor to this person's health problem.
Im hypo but had horrid pain in lower side of my back as part of being hyper thyroid as I wasn't proceeing levo and it was giving me overactive side effects. Some folks just dont tolerate levo well. I'd try dropping the dose and see what happens. In my case I started to feel better within 24 hours of dropping the dose though it took about 2 weeks to clear. Like you the pain was so bad I was eating pain killers but no impact. Hope you feel better soon x