My latest blood test was included in several other tests at the same time without fasting T4 was 20.5......TSH .1.91..this was about three months ago
And 8 months ago
it was T4. 15.9....TSH. 1.89. ..
The ranges TSH 0.35 -5.5... T4. 9.0-22.7
I m on 50gsm Levothyroxine and am 83 years old.should I ask dr for a higher dose..she seems reluctant to increase the Levothyroxine when I have asked about it.. I take simvastatin ..which makes my cholestral normal range and D3 and K2...
Reasonable health but severerely constipated with slow Evacuation ..really bad and I sleep well but in afternoon and evening crash out with heavy half hour deep sleeps..
I am am seeing my dr next week..and I have veen losing weight tho they can’t find any comments on requesting upping th Levothyroxine..or could that make me Hypo
Thanks for your suggestions before I go to dr next Thursday