Thought this might give someone a lift today. Very amusing I thought
Hypo Thyroid diagnostics Chart. : Thought this... - Thyroid UK
Hypo Thyroid diagnostics Chart.

Yup just about right I think.I've had the mental illness one from one doctor and now the CFS from another. I would say they both covered the ignoring signs and symptoms. I was actually told that my symptoms (being cold,tired,joint and muscle pain etc) aren't thyroid related or to do with my under range ferritin and folate! I wonder if I'll ever reach that 3% in the chart....
Thanks for posting
Love it! Had diagnosis of CFS, depression and anxiety and now perimenopause - sigh!
Made me smile, thank you real_mission!
Pretty accurate really - if it's going clockwise, I'm fibro next then zombie in the 11th hour (bloods permitting)

Ha! Id better destroy this in case an Endo sees it. It will be framework diagnosis for years!
I'm in the green section according to my endo. Thankfully I have a good GP.
love the post , but on a pertinent note it just shows the fact that unless you have a super , superb doctor this is exactly how we the patients are actually treated within this system .....because too many gp's actually use this type of chart ........ thank the good lord I have a brilliant doctor !!!.....alan xx
I was in the 'ignore all signs' camp, 3 years of symptoms, then positive anti-bodies followed by a bulging eyeball and they still wouldn't have it!
Love it !!
That was great. I'm still laughing even though I'm in the orange and purple sections!!!
Think I'm about to get shoehorned into the CFS section as my doc has just homed in on the tiredness/fatigue and seems to be completely ignoring the other symptoms I've told her about. Have been told if this months bloods come back and TSH hasn't increased (the biochemist refused to do antibody test as TSH isn't out of their < 5 range yet) then she'll be referring me to Southampton fatigue clinic, which upon googling is a CFS clinic.