Today a private endocrinologist saved my life.
6weeks ago I was admitted to hospital with abdominal pain - suspected cyst torsion. I complained of cloudy urine and terrible smell and was told tests are all clear and no infection!!! I was given antibiotics and sent home. Just after this I had fertility blood tests and was advised I had underactive thyroid and hashimotos (TSH 18.1 (range <3) and TPOAB 612 range <9). I was put on 50mg of levothyroxine. Here's the kicker - over the last six weeks I've Become increasingly worse . Prior to being told about the thyroid I wasn't having any extreme symptoms. I was more tired in the afternoon and evenings, had noticed hair loss when shampooing, intolerance to gluten and bouts of depression and anxiety. But in the last six weeks I've barely been able to get out of bed, extreme myalgia and weakness. I kept going back to my dr saying something is not right. Nothing makes sense. I proposed adrenal fatigue but was ignored. Until last Monday when I was told my TSH is now 4.7 - just within range <4.8 my dr was all smiles and all I could say is why then do I feel so dreadful she agreed something wasn't right and sent me for cortisol test. This was "normal" By Friday I couldn't walk unaided, I could barely sleep and lost my appetite only eating because my partner made me I couldn't stand up without dizziness and was feeling nauseated. This morning I went to see a private endocrinologist - I collapsed as I arrived in his office. He gave me lots and lots of water and based on the history my partner was able to tell him he diagnosed I was in adrenal crisis and highly likely suffering with Addison's disease
He gave me a hydrocortisone shot and within 30mins I was sitting up, could speak, had a clearer head and the muscle pain had significantly reduced. The thyroid medicine, without treating the adrenal glands is highly likely to have caused the swift decline in my health.
We are all individual and have different causes/ symptoms but if you KNOW somethings not right then keep fighting. Today it saved my life.