I've posted before about my constant hair shedding, that includes a receding hairline and constant, progressive thinning. I have a family history of underactive thyroid, which is why I keep coming on here. Ive had my TSH checked (1.88) and told all is normal.
I was told I have low testosterone by 2 GPs (my level was 0.4 but I wasnt given reference range). The 2nd GP who tested me wrote to the endocrine dept and received a letter back saying that isn't low T and its normal for me (I was previously at 0.7, so its almost halfed).
I also tested positive for ANA's last year on 3 separate occasions (June, August and December), was sent to a rheumatologist and then discharged.
I am at my wits end, a very close relative has recently told me I look tired and drawn. I'm 30 and just dont feel like myself. Nobody is taking my hair shedding seriously. I have been given high dose Vitamin D finally (40,000iu a week for 7 week's, have taken 4 weeks worth) after being diagnosed with a deficiency in December and I've been given iron 210mg to take 3 times a day (I sometimes only take in twice a day as it is making me constipated) as I had low iron but no deficiency or anaemia (even though a GP did tell me I was slightly anaemic in September).
Is there anyway this could be thyroid related? Should I insist on a full thyroid panel? Is it worth taking a relative with me? I can't stand watching my hair get thinner and thinner and thinner and also my body feeling weak and sometimes shaky. I don't have typical thyroid signs such as weight gain and extreme fatigue, but the 3 relatives who have an underactive thyroid never had weight issues either, one is my father who can eat for England and is slim.
I can't afford to go private although I really wish I could as I know something isn't right with my body, I just have no clue what it could be.
This is probably the 3rd time I've posted here now so apologies, I just feel so angry with the doctors. I've been asked about emotional stress, been told my hair dye could cause hair loss (I've dyed my hair 3 times since 2013), they've even asked how old my child is (12) and said oh so you're past the sleepless night stage. I know something isn't right.