Hi all,
I'm looking for some advice please. I live in Wiltshire and have seen the NHS Endo at Salisbury twice. He's been supportive and corrected my Levothyroxine level as my GP's kept mis-managing it.
I discovered in February that I have Hashimoto's, which is obviously the cause of my Underachieve Thyroid. I wasn't happy to discover this as my thyroid problem was finally diagnosed in 2011 so this underlying cause is a somewhat late discovery. It is a step forward to at least know this I know though.
My antibodies are very high (I don't have the figure sorry) so I've read up online (!) and tried going gluten free and trying to go Paleo. I've had limited success with both due to sleep deprivation from my small children. I crave biscuits and bread!
I've lost a tiny amount of weight, but am now stuck at 16st 12. I'm not sure Levo agrees with me. I'm very active with my kids and going to the gym so I'm not a couch potato. Fat chance!! I am getting disturbed sleep due to my 9 month old baby still waking in the night (and my 5 year old too!), but sometimes he only wakes once and in spite of this my fatigue is crushing.
I can have good and bad days and on the bad days I have no energy whatsoever and everything is an effort. I'm also tearful and have moods swings.
In frustration, I've booked to see a private Endo at The Glen Spire Hospital in Bristol. After reading a lot of your posts I'm now worried that this is going to be both a waste of my time and money. The Salisbury Endo just told me to cut out carbs and exercise for at least an hour a day (the exercise advice is not that easy to follow with no childcare). I'd hoped seeing a different Endo privately I might be able to get advice on trying NDT/Armour, but I'm now unsure this will be the case.
I've also seen a Kinesiologist who's put me on Selenium, Vitamin C and D and probiotics, but that's all I take apart from Levo and hay fever meds.
I'd love to hear your recommendations and advice please. I really want to get my Hashi's under control and get my energy back so I can lose weight and be here for children.
Thank you x.