Hi, hoping someone can give me some advice on all of the above I've been experiencing for almost 2 weeks now...
So after a year of on/off anxiety, depression, dizziness, weight issues etc I was finally diagnosed with Hashimoto's in March. Then put on levo, which I took for 2.5 months before deciding to switch to WP thyroid after reading STTM and educating myself almost 12 days ago now.
I followed the protocol by splitting 1 grain in half for am & pm but almost instantly started to feel unwell in myself. Weak, dizzy, insomnia, headaches (the worst!) which then turned into a full blown flu. Very sensitive ears, painful painful headaches (especially at the base of the neck & up the back) sinuses completely blocked, on/off fever, sneezing, stomach going mental, decreased apetite, fatigue, fuzzy feeling all throughout body (especially in chest & toes) tight chest, vertigo, insomnia due to feeling so weird when resting... All this got dramatically worse over a few days so in a panic I didn't take the NDT and took the levo again for a day in the hope of feel better - nope
After reading more of the NDT switch online with the help of other advocates - I decided to try NDT again but on a loser dose. After a couple more days I braved 1/2 grain and within an hr I had took myself to A&E. They gave me an iv drip as my pulse was very fast. All bloods came back normal but TSH was down to 0.1 to which the doctor said I'm taking too much NDT & that I should go back to see my endo to discuss dosages to avoid a 'thyroid storm'. I've now been taking 1/4 grain everyday for 4 days but my endo saw the blood results and said everything was fine! I demanded an appointment with him as I do not feel fine in the slightest - something is not right.
Tonight I cannot sleep due to weird sensations and anxiety type feelings so I'm reaching out of anyone can relate maybe?
I've been trying to follow the AIP diet but finding difficult, although I've lost weight finally from removing gluten and grains (as much as possible)
Stomach goes crazy most nights but I'm wondering if that's because I'm eating something my body is intolerant to?
I've got a full thyroid panel, b12 & full iron blood test done today. Vitamin d is good and drinking acv & taking digestive enzymes with ox bile to get digest foods/nutrients. I tested negative to h.pylori & EPV.
I've also discovered small but painful lumps on the back of my neck which I thought were spots but I think they're swollen lymph nodes. I'm scared I have lymes disease. This is something I want to talk to the endo about.
I want to try to raise my NDT as I've been on a very low dose for almost 12 days now and that could be contributing to hypo symptoms but with how rubbish I've felt/still feeling, I'm scared it's going to send my body into overdrive! 😁