Doc now prescribing T3: Hi, I've only just... - Thyroid UK

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Doc now prescribing T3

Scarlet001 profile image
10 Replies

Hi, I've only just discovered this website after running out of T3 and being unable to source any more. However, I'm now very happy to report that my doc has agreed to prescribe T3 on the NHS after seeing an endo and him agreeing for me to stay on T3. I was on Tiromel before but bloods say I was over medicating. So now on 50mg Levothyroxine and 10mcg Liothyronine daily. I won't know if this is any good until bloods in a few months. I believe the NHS T3 isn't as strong as Tiromel. Does anyone have any experience/knowledge of this they'd be kind enough to share? I have lots of reading to catch up on now that I've found this website.

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Scarlet001 profile image
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10 Replies
juliat profile image

Hi, Good for you!

are you new to UK then?

where abouts in UK do you live?

Many people are having their T3 stopped by their GP's as Clinincal Commissioning Groups ( CCG's) are trimming their budgets and going after an expensive drug - so you are very lucky indeed that your area has not started to implement this -YET.

and new patients seeing an Endocrinologist are not even being considered for T3!

( By the way T3 is only expensive in UK because NHS is held to ransom by Mercury Pharma drug company)

Scarlet001 profile image
Scarlet001 in reply to juliat

No, not new to UK, just new to finding other ways to combat the symptoms of my underactive thyroid! I'm in the south of England. I found an online pharmacy (based in Leeds!) that can dispense T3 but my GP surgery said they would still be liable to the extortionate costs of it even if they just provide the paper prescription for me to send off, it still comes out of their budget. The politics of it all is mind-boggling. Anyway, they said they may as well dispense it despite the cost as it's something I need. I do know I am very lucky to be in this position!

Jazzw profile image

Bloods said you were over medicating? What were the results? Hopefully it wasn't just a knee jerk reaction to a low TSH. What were you taking before you altered your medication? Did you feel overmedicated on that?

Scarlet001 profile image
Scarlet001 in reply to Jazzw

I was overmedicating but tbh I felt great! But now not so good as I had to stop T3 abruptly as I ran out and revert to Levo. Now back on both so we shall see. January results were 'abnormal' TSH level <0.02 serum free T4 level 8.7 (this was on Levo 50mg Tiromel 50mcg). April results TSH level <0.02 and serum free T4 9.4. This was also on the same dose. Last years results were Serum free T3 level 4.8 TSH level 0.31. Incidentally, underactive thyroid diagnosed after brain aneurism burst in 2006. Not sure if that's a coincidence or not?? But been battling with symptoms every since. Any advice very gratefully received, thank you :-)

Howard39 profile image

Good for you am so glad someone has managed to get T3 as mine was stopped after 14 years. The NHS T3 is not as good as the one I now have to buy from abroad including tiromel. One good thing came of the nightmare.

Best wishes with the new meds.

Clutter profile image


Mcg for mcg I don't find any difference in potency between Tiromel and Mercury Pharma Liothyronine.

chrmac5 profile image

Hi,thought some of you might be interested to know ..I was on Eltroxin for quite a few years but then it became unavailable and have been on various makes of levothyroxine since then, energy levels skin excetera all went down hill.

Daughter did some research and found Hennings levothyroxine which is LACTOSE free.

Doctor prescribed this for a month, but as it cost £188 per month were not willing to continue supplying. Shame as I definitely noticed a difference in energy levels even in just four weeks.!

Backto the drawing board and daughter found ELTROXIN on the internet through <online pharmacy>.

Have now been on ELTROXIN for five weeks and have so much more energy , and keep being told how well I look!! Did moult more hair than normal for the first three weeks but that has stopped now, so i will be staying on ELTROXIN NOW

Eltroxin was ordered from <online pharmacy>, cost was approx £ 75

for a years supply, do take a few weeks to arrive and mine seem to have come from New Zealand.

I did have M.E for four years in 1980`s was it really thyroid ??

[ Edited by admin. Please read our guidelines especially number 23. Do not identify sources of prescription-only medicines which do not require a prescription. ]

Scarlet001 profile image
Scarlet001 in reply to chrmac5

Does anyone know if they sell T3 in New Zealand? My mother in law is coming from there to UK in a few weeks.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Scarlet001

Very much expect it they do. But only with a prescription - just like the UK.

Scarlet001 profile image
Scarlet001 in reply to helvella


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