What are these readings hypo or hyper? - Thyroid UK

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What are these readings hypo or hyper?

cherylwozny profile image
9 Replies

I have been having red flags on thyroid blood tests for the past 2 years. The following are my most recent:- (31st March 2016)

Serum Free T3 Level 3.4 pmol/L 2.60-5.70pmol/L

Serum THS Level 0.13 mu/L 0.35 - 5.00mu/L

Serum Free T4 level 16 pmol/L 9.00 - 19.00pmo;/L

Book further blood test

I dont have the readings of previous tests but was told by my practice nurse that my thyroid was Hypo. When I saw my GP however she said they were hyper. I have to have yet another blood est at the end of June. Can anybody help with these readings please. Thank you in advance.

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9 Replies
radd profile image


You have HYPOthyroidism but your doctor is interpreting your results incorrectly as HYPERthyroidism or rather as "over medicated" because your TSH is below range.

This is fine and many members function better with a low TSH but your doctor may suggest reducing your meds. T4 level is ok but your T3 (active hormone) is too low and could account for the brain fog, cold intolerance and weight gain described in your previous post.

Resist a dose reduction and ask for Vit B12, Vit D, folate and ferritin to be tested as these nutrients are vital for good thyroid function and commonly deficient in hypothyroidism. A doctors "normal' is not the level members have found to be most beneficial to optimise thyroid function. Therefore, post results complete with ranges (numbers in brackets) for members to comment.

cherylwozny profile image
cherylwozny in reply to radd

Hi Radd

I am NOT on any meds for this. When I saw my GP she said the weight loss of 4 stone over the last 2 years was likely because of hyper not hypo. When I saw her about a year ago for the same readings she told me not to worry about it. I have gained just over a half stone in weight and despite great efforts I cannot shift it. I find this odd given that I had no trouble losing the other. I am Type 2 diabetic. Mixed control but the last 3 tests has got much better. I havent got any numbers in brackets. The numbers above I have taken off a print out that my nurse gave me.

cherylwozny profile image
cherylwozny in reply to cherylwozny

Hi Radd

Having looked at the results again I note " ? is the patient being treated for an existing thyroid disorder Note reduced TSH: suggest repeat in 2 -3 months".


radd profile image
radd in reply to cherylwozny

Oops... I am sorry cherylwozny,

Pituitary hormone TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to make T4 and T3. When thyroid hormone levels decrease, the TSH rises and vice versa. As yours is under range it could mean your thyroid gland is over-active meaning hyperthyroidism.

High cortisol (adrenal glands) suppresses the conversion of T4-T3 (active hormone) so giving you the hypothyroid symptoms you describe in a previous post of weight gain, cold intolerance and memory loss. I would look at adrenal supports.

You may want to explore other issues that would also give you a low T3 & low TSH with hypothyroid symptoms. Hyper//hypo symptoms can be result of auto immune disease. Have you been tested for any thyroid antibodies? (TPOAb, TGAb -Hashimotos and TGAb - Graves.)





Other issues with a low TSH & T3.


cherylwozny profile image
cherylwozny in reply to radd

Hi Radd

Don't apologise I am grateful for the assistance. Clutter also replied to my post so what my GP says would appear to make sense. I have not had any other tests apart from the ones above and more blood tests at the end of June. Can I safely assume that if I am subclinically hyperthyroid and the blood results remain the same I will not need to take any meds for this?

Thank you


radd profile image
radd in reply to cherylwozny


I guess it depends on how you feel and if the T4 result changes.

If it were me and as results aren't neccessarily clear cut, I would ask for thyroid antibody tests to determine exactly what was wrong.

If you work on raising T3 to alleviate hypothyroid symptoms you could end up making yourself feel hyperthyroid. It's not just about a diagnosis but making yourself feel better as well.

Clutter profile image


TSH below range with FT4 and FT3 within normal range is subclinically hyperthyroid. The further blood test is to check that your FT4 and FT3 remain within range. If they go over range you will need anti thyroid drugs (Carbimazole) and should be referred to endocrinology for management.

You can ask for printouts of previous tests to compare but you may be charged for them. Your GP should be able to tell you the ranges if they are not on your printout or you could ring the lab which analyses your bloods.


I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.

cherylwozny profile image
cherylwozny in reply to Clutter

Hi Clutter

If the readings remain the same I assume I can be left without meds? Hyperthyroid means over active and therefore could account for the previous weight loss?

Cheryl Wozny

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to cherylwozny


I don't think you need medication now because FT4 isn't high in range and FT3 is quite low in range. If FT4 &/or FT3 rise over range you will need medication.

The previous weight loss was likely due to being hyperthyroid.

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