I would be grateful for some thoughts on my recent blood results posted below.
Date TSH Dose FT4(9.01-19.05) FT3(0.35-4.94)
09/10/2014 1.22 112 16.95 3.67
01/12/2014 0.52 125
12/05/2015 0.02 150 20.50 4.80
23/09/2015 0.02 150 22.80 4.70
04/01/2016 0.01 150 18.30 4.00
22/04/2016 0.03 150 17.30
I saw my GP today and this time the lab had only done TSH and FT4 not FT3 as requested nor VitaminD, B12, folate or ferritin. My antibodies were tested many years ago not long after diagnosis as negative but it doesn't say whether both were done or what the result was. I was originally diagnosed hypothyroid in 2000 but the surgery's records are not complete. My cholesterol has gone back up to 5 from 4.3. The slightly higher FT4 in September is due to the fact that I forgot not to take my levothyroxine before going for the test.
In January I had an appointment at Oxford having asked to see an endo from Louise's list but when I was there I saw someone else and the doctor I asked to see doesn't seem to be there any more. The professor I saw was only interested in the TSH measurement which he said was too low and that I was over replaced but he didn't want to look at the list of symptoms that I have. He was very interested in the timeline that I had prepared as I believe that my hormones have never been right. My GP has said that she will refer me to another endo and I can let her know a name but that she cannot do anything further.
Before I left I queried the HB1aC result that I had having seen an answer by a magazine doctor that seemed to say I was in the diabetic range. She told me that my result was done using the new method and that the magazine was using the old method. She explained that her husband has the same result as me and he is very fit and lean. My result shows that my body is using the food I put into it very efficiently - I came out wondering why then am I struggling with putting weight on when records show that I am eating less calories than I need. Can any of you more clever people offer an explanation?
Thanks Penni